- His linguistic view is greatly influenced by the social view of language from Marlinowski, Firth and Halliday, which he tries to apply to current linguistics and language teaching research. 深受Malinowski,Firth,以及Halliday等学者社会语言观的影响,并努力将其应用到语言学及语言教学研究中去。
- His linguistic view is greatly influenced by the social view of language from Malinowski, Firth and Halliday, which he tries to apply to current linguistics and language teaching research. 他曾参与‘十五’国家哲学社会科学研究课题中的子课题“中国大学生英语名字的获取和使用调查(2001-2002),负责河北省教育科学“十五”规划重点课题“中小学英语教学的衔接”(2002-2006);
- Chinese language teaching research 汉语教学研究
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- Pica (1984) listed ten most popular subjects concerned by foreign language teaching researchers, among which the influence of native language (NL) on second language acquisition is on the top. Pica(1984)发现第一语言对第二语言习得的影响是语言教学研究者所关注的首要课题。
- Some principal affective factors most closely examined by language teaching researchers include attitude and motivation, personality, anxiety, inhibition, empathy, self-esteem, learner autonomy, etc. 语言教学研究涉及的情感因素主要包括态度和动机、个性、焦虑、抑制、移情、自尊、学习自主等。
- and President of Hebei Collegiate Foreign Language Teaching Research Association.He is also a member of AILA, IATEFL and ASIATEFL. 田贵森教授是国际应用语言学协会会员(AILA),国际英语教师协会会员(IATEFL),亚洲英语教师协会员(ASIATEFL)。
- English Language Teaching Service Web. 旨在为电大英语师生提供英语教学服务。
- Review of English Language Teaching. 英语教学评论。
- I'm fond of reading English Language Teaching. 我喜欢读《英语教学》。
- All the teachers split into seven teaching research groups. 全体教师分成七个教(学)研(究)组。
- Language teaching is a very competitive market. 是一个充满竞争的市场。
- We take(in) English Language Teaching. 我们订《英语教学》。
- language teaching research 语言教学研究
- Abstract:Bilingual teaching of genetics is a new teaching research area. 遗传学双语教学是一个全新的教学研究领域。
- They are very up to date in their method of language teaching. 他们的语言教学法非常新颖。
- He is very up to date in his methods of language teaching. 他的语言教学法是最新式的。
- Communicative Language Teaching has been introduced to China. 交际式语言教学由此开始在中国试行。
- Success is the most vital factor in language teaching and learning. 成功是语言的教与学追求的目标。
- Longman dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics. 朗文语言教学及应用语言学辞典。