- Language teaching practice and the theory of language teachin g approach demonstrate that it is improper to abandon grammar-translation teaching approach. 语言教学的实践和语言教学法的理论说明不宜完全废弃语法及翻译教学法。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- Constructivism Based Education Mode in Programming Language Teaching Practice 建构主义教学模式在程序设计语言教学实践中的探讨
- Task-based language teaching approach and teaching practice of basic English course in college 任务型语言教学理论与高师《基础英语》课程教学实践
- Harmer,J.1989,The Practice of English Language Teaching London:Longman. 马涛;探讨交际在英语教学中的重要性及其应用外语界;2001;(1).
- English Language Teaching Service Web. 旨在为电大英语师生提供英语教学服务。
- Review of English Language Teaching. 英语教学评论。
- I'm fond of reading English Language Teaching. 我喜欢读《英语教学》。
- Language teaching is a very competitive market. 是一个充满竞争的市场。
- We take(in) English Language Teaching. 我们订《英语教学》。
- Harmer. J. (1983). The Practice of English Language Teach ing[M]. Longman. 王才仁.;英语教学交际论[M]
- language teaching practice 语言教学实践
- They are very up to date in their method of language teaching. 他们的语言教学法非常新颖。
- Strengthen Specialized English Push the Double Languages Forward--The Foreign Language Teaching Practice of the Historical Department of Suihua Normal College 强化专业英语推动双语教学--绥化师专历史专业外语教学实践
- This article deals with the teaching practice in which the styl istic knowledge of the English language is applied to the English reading cou rse for senior English majors. 本文从语篇的语音、词汇、句法、篇章四个层面阐述了如何将英语文体学理论知识运用于英语专业高年级阅读课教学的实践。
- He is very up to date in his methods of language teaching. 他的语言教学法是最新式的。
- Communicative Language Teaching has been introduced to China. 交际式语言教学由此开始在中国试行。
- The book is more precious is it is a more complete application of teaching practice in a sample language, is a theory and practice of combining content and rare books. 本书更可贵之处在于提供了较完整的适用于教学实践的样例语言,是一本理论和实践内容相结合的、不可多得的好书。
- Success is the most vital factor in language teaching and learning. 成功是语言的教与学追求的目标。
- The teaching practice will afford you an opportunity of gaining some necessary experience. 教学实习将使你有机会获得一些必要的经验。