- lambda cloning vector λ克隆载体
- These are inserted into a cloning vector. 它们被插入克隆载体。
- In GENETIC ENGNEERING, nonviral DNA can be inserted into a phage, which is then used as a cloning vector. 在基因工程中,没有病毒的DNA可以被插入到噬菌体中,用作克隆载体。
- An outline of the procedure for introducing a piece of foreign DNA into a cloning vector is shown in Figure 1. 3. 图1.;3列出了引出一段外源DNA进入克隆载体的大概步骤。
- Objective To clone toxin_coregulated pilus subunit A (tcpA) gene of vibrio cholerae O139 strain XJ93006 and construct the recombinant cloning vector of pNEB 193_tcpA. 目的 以新疆分离 0 13 9霍乱弧菌XJ93 0 0 6株的DNA为模板 ,自行设计引物克隆毒素协同调节菌毛亚单位A(tcpA)基因 (包括侧序列 )并构建重组载体。
- Since the plasmid is capable of independent replication in host cells of many dicotyledonous plants, it has been used as a cloning vector in GNETIC ENGINEERING. 在许多双子叶植物中质粒在寄主细胞中是独立的复制单元,所以可以在基因工程中用作克隆载体。
- The PCR products were cloned into T clone vector,and the positive clones were picked out,then the T clone vector was identified by restriction endonuclease digestion. 将扩增的连接产物克隆入T载体,挑选阳性克隆并进行酶切鉴定,酶切鉴定正确的克隆进行拼接产物的核苷酸序列测序。
- Stability and copy number in host bacteria of a new plasmid cloning vector 一种新的质粒克隆载体的稳定性和拷贝数的测定
- Construction of Brucella Unmarked Deletion Mutant by Using Conventional Cloning Vector as Suicide Plasmid 以克隆载体为自杀载体快速构建布鲁氏菌的无痕缺失突变株
- Stochastic Models of Lambda Phage. 噬菌体的随机模型。
- To construct fusion gene clone vector:pBluescript SK-CEA signal peptide-EK cutting peptide gene-HBD2 人CEA信号肽-EK位点-HBD2融合基因的构建
- Who is he? Zeta Lambda Nu,I hope. 新郎官是谁?我希望是兄弟会的成员。
- The Lambda pumps out 285 hp and 358 Nm of torque. 兰布达泵出的285马力和358Nm的扭矩。
- Poisson arrivals of intensity lambda. 泊松到达的强度兰布达。
- Wait for foster mother to give birth to the clone. 等待“养母”产下克隆幼仔。
- Will 2003 be the year of the first human clone? 人类第一个克隆人会在2003年诞生吗?
- Use menus to provide a pedagogic vector. 用菜单来提供一条学习的途径。
- So who is most likely to want or use human cloning? 所以谁最有可能需要或使用人类克隆技术呢?
- That is transitory or semipersistent in its vector. 在它的介体中是属于中间的或半持久的。
- The vector product is said to be anticommutative. 可以说矢积是反交换的。