- But in a move was not a "labor pains period. 但在迈步之初难免有一个“阵痛期”。
- A-share market continued to labor pains. A股市场的阵痛仍在继续。
- Objective To evaluate the effect of combination of Doula delivery and water acupuncture on labor pain. 目的探索导乐分娩联合水针镇痛后对产程的影响及减痛效果。
- The expected labor pain of the primiparas had a negative correlation with body mass index. 初产妇之预期分娩疼痛 程度和身体质量指数呈显著负相关。
- Epidural analgesia and combined spinal-epidural analgesia are still most effective and widely used in alleviating labor pain. 我国分娩镇痛工作相对起步晚,而且各地发展极不平衡。
- These findings suggest that primiparas' perceived labor pain is correlated with psychogenic rather than physical factors. 本研 究发现初产妇的知觉分娩疼痛程度和心理因素有关,而和机械性因素无关。
- Upon their arrival, the doctor said he had invented a new machine that would transfer a portion of the mother's labor pain to the father. 他们到医院时,医生告知他们他发明了一部能将太太生产的阵痛传送到先生身上的机器。
- The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between demographic-obstetric factors and perceived labor pain in primiparas. 本研究目的在探讨初产妇的人口学及产科学变项与产痛强度的相关性。
- After heart bracket art, prothorax still labor pains why? 心脏支架术后,前胸仍然阵痛为什么?
- The degree of labor pain,duration of labor, delivery way, Apgar score,postpartum hemorrhage and neonatal asphyxia rate were compared between the two groups. 观察比较两组的产痛程度、产程时间、分娩方式、新生儿Apgar评分 ,产后出血量、新生儿窒息率等。
- Although there aremanyways for delivery analgesia,the most popular labor pain management is intrathecal analgesiawith good effects and little side effects. 椎管内分娩镇痛效果可靠,副作用较少,对母婴较为安全。
- Objective To establish an method for psychological nursing intervention based on inspiration,so as to reduce labor pain and promote the spontaneous labor. 目的探讨建立一种以激励为核心的心理护理干预方法,以期减轻产痛、促进自然分娩。
- They crouch down and bring forth their young; their labor pains are ended. 他们屈身,将子生下,就除掉疼痛。
- Observation and studing the degree of labor pain,delivery process,delivery ways,Apgar score,hemorrhage volume of delivery period,rate of postpartum hemorrhage among the three groups. 观察比较三组的产痛程度、产程时间、分娩方式、新生儿Apgar评分 ,产时出血量和产后出血率。
- The labor pain in the observational group was significantly less than that in the control one (P<0.01)but there were no significant differences in time of labor , delivey ways, bleeding volume, and Apgar score between the two groups(P>0.05 ) . 观察组的镇痛效果评分明显低于对照组 ( P<0 .;0 1 )。 两组产妇产程情况、分娩方式、失血量、以及新生儿 Apgar评分均无明显差异 ( P>0
- Right go up little of right of nest of the pit of the stomach below celiac rib is constant labor pains is faint pain, how to return a responsibility? 右上腹肋骨下心口窝右边一点点时常阵痛隐隐作痛,怎么回事?
- He twisted up with a sudden stab of pain. 一阵突然的剧疼使他挺不起身来。
- After did my crural fracture become good (but how does the baseboard when walking return labor pains to do? 我的脚骨折好了后(但走路时脚板还阵痛怎么搞的?
- From single to multiple, which experienced a severe labor pains before the reform. 从单一走向多元,它经历着改革前的剧烈阵痛。
- Economists have said that this is the history of labor pains smallest recession. 经济学家们纷纷说,这是历史上阵痛最小的衰退。