`Johnny' was applied as a nickname for Confederate soldiers by the Federal soldiers in the American Civil War; `greyback' derived from their grey Confederate uniforms
Johnny listened to the whole of that horrible story without turning a hair. 约翰尼把那个恐怖的故事原原本本地听了一遍,一点也不显得害怕。
Really, Johnny! If ever there was a stubborn idiot, you're a prime example. 说真的,约翰尼!如果曾有过一个倔强的傻瓜,你就是最好的例子。
Johnny hinted that he thought we were foolish but did not say so in so many words. 约翰尼暗示他认为我们很愚蠢,不过没有那样说。
Johnny stood by the door, the picture of misery, waiting to be taken to school. 约翰尼痛苦万分地站在门边,等待送他去上学。