- On the job work clothes and gloves are provided. 在上班时,还发给工作服和手套。
- Opaque ink: Ink with high opacity for jobbing work. 不透明墨:碎件印刷用的遮盖力强油墨。
- Can David foresee the end of the job work? 戴维能预知承揽工作的结果吗?
- I'd like a job working with old folk or kids. 我喜欢与老人或小孩打交道的工作。
- I hope the new job works out for you. 我希望你的新职业会使你满意。
- Most of the printing factories (71.3 per cent) are engaged in general jobbing work,and most of the remainder deal with related work such as typesetting and book-binding. 大多数印刷厂(71.;3%25)从事一般的散页印刷,其余大部分从事与印刷事务有关的工作,例如排字和书籍钉装等。
- Most of the printing factories (71.3 per cent) are engaged in general jobbing work, and most of the remainder deal with related work such as typesetting and book-binding. 大多数印刷厂(71.;3%25)从事一般的散页印刷,其余大部分从事与印刷事务有关的工作,例如排字和书籍钉装等。
- Most of the printing factories (68 per cent) are engaged in general jobbing work, and the remainder generally deal with related work such as traditional pre-press and finishing services. 大多数印刷厂(68%25)从事一般的散页印刷,其余主要从事与印刷有关的工作,例如传统的印前制作和印后加工等。
- As a teenager, Paul took a job working in a hardware store. 作为一名少年,保罗宣读一份工作在一家五金店。
- Main sales coating product, scope Jinan peripheral, belongs to the concurrent job work. 主要销售涂料产品,范围济南周边,属于兼职作业。
- Since I was better educated,I got a job working in an office. 因为我受过比较好的教育,我得到一份坐办公室的工作
- Before I went to the nuthouse, I had a job working in the zoo . 其实去精神病院前;我还在动物园打过一份工.
- Most of the printing factories (68 per cent) are engaged in general jobbing work,and the remainder generally deal with related work such as traditional pre-press and finishing services. 大多数印刷厂(68%25)从事一般的散页印刷,其余主要从事与印刷有关的工作,例如传统的印前制作和印后加工等。
- Having to explain how your job works to an outsider is an odd experience. 有时候我们不得不向外人解释我们的工作,这种经历就已经够奇怪的了。
- Finally, Harlan got a job working on a train locomotive and liked it. 最后,哈兰找了份在火车头的工作,并且他也喜欢这份工作。
- Well, a lot of these whack jobs work in syndicates. If they cashed your check out of state, it's federal. We can act. 很多此类欺诈犯罪都是团伙作案。如果他们在州外使用你的信用卡,就会触犯联邦法律。我们就可以抓住他们了。
- This job entails a lot of hard work. 这项工作需要十分努力。
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。
- If we all muck in we'll soon finish the job. 如果我们大家都动手,一会儿就可以干完这件事。
- I got a new job and a new set of work associations. 我有了新工作和一班新同事。