- Soil of highway road area 高速公路路域土壤
- Chinese films : Yan'an Lu-Lu-Robinson Road area. 中片:延安路-陆家浜路地区。
- He was napping when the storm surge reached the School Road area. 当飓风掀起的巨浪接近学校路时,他正睡着。
- Now recyeled aggregate concrete has been applicated in unbearing structure in industry and civil project, highway road surface project. 目前再生混凝土在工业与民用建筑工程中的非承重结构及公路路面工程中已经有一定的应用。
- The vibrations of ground and neareby buildings indcuced by running vihcile are studied by means of onsite experiments on a complicated ground near a highway road. 对行驶车辆引起复杂场地及结构振动的实际工程进行了现场测试,将跑车试验实测数据与数值模型计算结果进行对比分析,验证了车辆-场地耦合振动理论的正确性。
- Han Jia, the Heping Road area is one of the earliest commercial districts, right? 韩佳,这和平路一带是天津建成较早的商业区吧?
- Road maintenance fees should be used for maintaining and reconstructing highway roads. 公路养路费必须用于公路的养护和改建。
- Highway administration departments shall organize greening of highway roads according to the road engineering technical standards. 第四十二条公路绿化工作,由公路管理机构按照公路工程技术标准组织实施。
- No underground sewage Road area, all users of water discharged through surface drains, one of the summer stink to high heaven, no windows. 小区没有地下排污道,用户用水全部通过地表阴沟排出,一到夏季臭气熏天,没法开窗户。
- It is feasible and effective to inspect and classify the quality of anchor reinforcement on the slopes of highway road by the method of stress wave and with LX inspecting apparatus. 摘要采用LX岩土工程质量检测分析仪,应用声频应力波法,对高速公路路堑边坡锚杆进行无损检测,这对各类锚杆的锚固质量检测和分级是可行和有效的。
- The use of land for constructing highway roads shall be handled according to relevant laws and administrative decrees. 第二十七条公路建设使用土地依照有关法律、行政法规的规定办理。
- The company is located in the petrification industry zone of Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, Suzhou, Taicang Petrochemical Hong Su Hua Road area on the 11th. 公司坐落于江苏省苏州太仓市太仓港石化区华苏东路11号,东临上海,北靠长江码头,水、陆交通极为便利。
- The convoy reached Myitkyina, Burma, on 15 January but was delayed until 23 January while the last Japanese units were cleaned from the road area by Chinese and American troops. 当车队于1月15日到达缅甸的密支那时被迫停了下来,直到1月23日最后一股途中日军被中美军队清除后才继续前进。
- Highway roads are not permitted to be used by motor vehicle manufacturers and other units as testing ground for tests of braking of motor vehicles. 第五十一条机动车制造厂和其他单位不得将公路作为检验机动车制动性能的试车场地。
- Clear signs and lines should be created for completed highway roads according to the regulations of the transportation under the State Council. 建成的公路,应当按照国务院交通主管部门的规定设置明显的标志、标线。
- Special highway roads refer to those built, maintained, managed by enterprises or other units for their respective exclusive or main uses. 专用公路是指由企业或者其他单位建设、养护、管理,专为或者主要为本企业或者本单位提供运输服务的道路。
- The convoy reached Myitkyina on 15 January, but was delayed until 23 January until the last Japanese units were cleared from the Road area by Chinese and American troops. 1月15日,车队抵达密支那后受阻,直至1月23日残留的日军被中国和美国的部队自公路地区清除。
- Beijing, as part of the city, as an extension of the Airport Road area as marginal embassy district, Dongzhimen and the image it deserves there is a considerable gap. 作为北京内城的一部分,作为机场路的延伸区,作为使馆区的边缘,东直门与它应有的形象存在着很大的差距。
- Local people's governments at all levels should provide necessary support and assistance to the lawful use of land and resettlement of people for construction of highway roads. 第二十九条地方各级人民政府对公路建设依法使用土地和搬迁居民,应当给予支持和协助。
- Hu Shi Guang Shan in the south Bridge Road area DAHAO section of the north cross-old city of Shantou to Hong Kong Sai Tai Road, and 9 km away from the Bay Bridge. 礐石大桥南接广汕公路达濠区路段,北跨汕头港至老城区西堤路,与海湾大桥相距9公里。