Set a high priority on funding the housing program. 把储备住宅计划资金视为优先的工作
Performing background processing which is not on-line or directly connected to the computer for on-line operation. High priority programs take precedence over specific background jobs. 指实现后台处理。所谓后台处理是指非联机处理,或者说不是直接和计算机连接起来而进行联机操作。优先级高的程序先于特定的后台作业执行。
But devising incentives to encourage people to save more is a high priority, and the officials said they wanted to explore approaches that would not make much of a dent in Federal revenues, at least for some years. 但是制订鼓励人们储蓄奖励办法是当务之急,官员们说他们想要寻求不致过分影响联邦岁入的办法,至少几年之内不致影响。