- Disposal of shaft wall accretion and hearth accumulation of 2500 m~3 BF at Maanshan Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd. 马钢2500m~3高炉炉墙结厚与炉缸堆积的处理
- Keywords blast furnace B. F. shaft wall accretion hearth accumulation slugging; 高炉;炉墙结厚;炉缸堆积;洗炉;
- I longed to be at my own hearth once again. 我渴望再回到自己家里。
- A fire was blazing on the hearth. 火在炉中燃烧。
- He hulked up from his chair by the hearth. 他从火炉边的椅子里懒洋洋地站起来。
- An accumulation of data to be processed. 要处理的数据的一种聚集。
- An accumulation of work is waiting to be done. 一堆积下的工作等著要做。
- A metal cover or cowl for a hearth or stove. 排风罩用于炉床或炉子的金属盖或罩
- hearth accumulation 炉缸堆积
- The soldiers swore to fight for the hearth and the altar. 战士们宣誓为保卫家庭和宗教而战。
- A wood was burning on the hearth, and a cat was sleeping in front of it. 木头在壁炉中燃烧,一只猫在壁炉前睡觉。
- An accumulation, especially of unfinished work or unfilled orders. 积压堆积物,尤指没完成的工作或未兑现的定单
- I felt cozy watching the hearth fire. 看着炉火我感到温暖而舒适。
- The steady accumulation of small debts was a ball and chain to his progress. 不断累积的小债务妨碍了他的发展不断累积的小债务妨碍了他的发展。
- They had to fight in defense of hearth and home. 我们必须为保卫家园而战。
- There was a fire blazing on the hearth. 壁炉中的火正熊熊地燃烧。
- Preventing abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat in the liver. 抗脂肪的防止肝脏内脂肪异常或过度积聚的
- That which is gathered or amassed; a collection or an accumulation. 收集物被收集或聚集的东西; 一种收集物或获得物
- The cat dozed in its favourite spot on the hearth. 猫躺在壁炉前它最喜欢的地方打盹。
- There was a fire blazing on the hearth . 壁炉中的火正熊熊地燃烧。