- I hope you have an enjoyable time on holiday. Happy landings! 我希望你假日愉快,旅途平安!
- The "play room" which is directly opposite the entrance, has table football and a darts board, where you can have an enjoyable time with your friends. 我们的"娱乐室"就在正门入口的正对面。在这里,您可以有无尽的欢乐,您可以和您的朋友们玩玩足球台和飞镖。
- We had an enjoyable time at the theatre,but then to find my car had been stolen came as a rude awakening. 我们在剧场里度过了愉快的时光,但后来发现我的汽车被窃时,才猛然意识到事情不妙。
- We had an enjoyable time at the theatre, but then to find my car had been stolen came as a rude awakening. 我们在剧场里度过了愉快的时光,但后来发现我的汽车被窃时,才猛然意识到事情不妙。
- We had an enjoyable time. 我们过得愉快.
- Hope you have an enjoyable holiday at Beijing, sir. 先生,希望你在北京过一个愉快的假期。
- I hope you have an enjoyable stay. 希望你过得愉快。
- We had an enjoyable bath before breakfast. 早饭前我们痛快地游了泳。
- The mattress is odorless or has an enjoyable scent. 床垫要有令人嗅了感到身心舒畅的香味或没有味。
- They had an enjoyable and relaxing holiday. 他们度过了一个令人愉快的和放松的假期。
- We all had an enjoyable evening. 我们全都度过了一个愉快的夜晚。
- We hope you had an enjoyable holiday. 我们希望你过一个愉快的假期。
- I am very glad to have seen you and have had an enjoyable afternoon. 很高兴能见到你。今天下午过得真愉快。
- It's my pleasure. I hope you've had an enjoyable trip. 乐意效劳。一路上很好吧!
- have an enjoyable time 过得很快活
- President Chiang had an enjoyable meeting with U.S.Senator Barry Goldwater when the senator visited the R.O.C. in 1979. 民国六十八年,美国联邦参议员高华德来访,与经国先生相谈甚欢,中为负责翻译的现任国民党副秘书长宋楚瑜。
- "It really was an enjoyable time out there." “它确实是外面的一令人愉快的时间。”
- The 27-year-old Irishman had an enjoyable summer on the back of United's double triumph last season. 27岁的爱尔兰人在上赛季夺取双冠王之后度过了一个美好的假日。
- Still, it's an ill wind; you will have an unexpected holiday. 不过,这也并非完全的不幸,你会享受到一次意外的休假。
- Last night was the most enjoyable time I've had in a month of Sundays. 昨天晚上是我很长一段时间以来玩得最愉快的夜晚。