She's get wet. she needs an umbrella. 她正挨雨淋。她需要一把伞。
Don't keep your socks on if they get wet. 要是袜子湿了,就不要再穿了。
Don't go out; you'll get wet through. 不要出去,你会给淋得湿透的。
A feather floats about on the air, especially on a windy day. If there is a shower of rain, the feather will get wet and heavy with water, and then it will sink straight to the ground. 羽毛会在空中四处飘动,尤其是在多风的天气。如果遇上阵雨,就会因为淋上雨水变湿就沉,然后就会垂直落回到地上。