- She wanted to get on her high horse and treat him as if he were nothing. 她想要摆出一副自负的神气,傲慢地对待他,仿佛他是一个微不足道的人。
- Gabrielle: Don't get on your high horse with me. I know what's good for me. 加布里埃尔:不要在我面前摆架子。我知道甚麽适合自己。
- Henry thinks he is always right and gets on his high horse if anyone dares to contradict him. 亨利认为他总是对的,如果有人敢于反驳他的话,他就摆出一副盛气凌人的架势。
- get on one's high horse 摆架子; 神气活现; 傲然不屈,气呼呼
- There was some disagreement,and she got on her high horse. 出现某些不同意见,她就生气。
- The minute Max starts arguing, he gets on his high horse. 只要一开始争论,Max就会摆出一副高高在上的模样。
- There was some disagreement, and she got on her high horse. 出现某些不同意见,她就生气。
- Her clever tongue gets on one's nerves. 她的伶牙俐齿叫人招架不住。
- Get on one's nerves I know you like that song, but it's getting on my nerves. 我知你很喜欢听那首歌,但真把我搞得挺烦的。
- Oh, that irritating cough! How it gets on one's nerves. 哦!那种刺耳的咳嗽声,多么使人心烦!
- It's no good getting on your high horse about single patents. You can't force people to get married. 你不必对单身父母愤愤不平,你不能强迫人们结婚。
- Baby got on one of the low perches, and Mom watched on the sidelines. 小鸟落在一根低的上,而鸟妈妈则在一旁观望着。
- Let's get on the bus one by one. 让我们一个一个地上车吧。
- If you want to get on the world you should concentrate on one thing and learn to do it well. 如果一个人想在社会上谋生,就应专供一门并把它学精通。
- There will be minimums and maximums for how much “experience” the player can get on one match. 有将是极小值和最大值为多少"经验" 球员可能得到在一次比赛。
- One can congratulate oneself on one's victories. 一个人也可以自己庆祝自己的胜利。
- Nancy came down off her high horse and make friends with them. 南希放下架子,与他们交起了朋友。
- Oh, he's the town marshal. He goes out and fights Scratchy when he gets on one of these tears. 啊,他是这里的镇长。每当斯克莱奇狂饮大闹时,他出来和他较量。
- Get down off your high horse and apologize. 放下你傲慢的态度并道歉
- I'm going to call on one of my former classmates. 我要去看望我的一位老同学。