- The sunlight made us feel warm and sleepy. 阳光使我们觉得暖和、困倦。
- Do you feel warm in the lower part of your body? 您感到下肢发热吗?
- After drinking some wine, I feel warm all over. 喝酒以后我觉得周身发热。
- I live in the sunny side, so I feel warm. 我住在房子的阳面感觉比较暖和。
- She felt warm only when she sat before the fireplace. 她只有坐在壁炉前才感觉到暖和。
- At least she let you feel warm when you back in home. 至少她让你回到家里感觉到了家的温暖。
- They are both soaked by the rain, but they feel warm inside. 大雨将他们淋的湿透了,但是他们的心是温暖的。
- Felt warm and content; feels strongly about the election. 觉得温暖和满足; 对选举反应强烈
- I felt warm and cosy sitting by the fire. 坐在炉边烤火,我感到既暖和又舒适。
- I feel warm and dynamic with your participance.I wish you all a happy new year! 希望能有更多的人参与,我相信参与的人会在这种交流与互助中感受进步的快乐的。
- When Header Xie felt warm, his tears and snot came down. 谢队长烤暖和了,眼泪鼻涕流了出来。
- We ended the seminar with a tasty international dinner that again made the guests feel warm and comfortable. 讲座最后,我们又安排了一场充满异国风味的晚宴,让与会来宾有宾至如归之感。
- That reeky cup of coffee on the desk makes her feels warm and cozy. 咖啡就放到了桌子上,热气腾腾的,让人看了很暖和也很温馨。
- We care about your demand. In order to let you feel warm , reassure you and your family completely, We aim at giving good service and create homelike atmosphere. 我们关心您的需求,为了让您感觉温馨,让您和您的家人能彻底放心,我们的服务以细致、主动、周到为目标,并创造服务环境的家庭化亲和氛围。
- Only when one's cold enough can he feel warmness anywhere. 推荐伊藤润二的恐怖漫画很有感觉!
- But the secret was this: The real stone would feel warm, while ordinary pebbles are cold. 辨别的秘诀是握在手里,试金石是暖的,而普通鹅卵石是冷的。
- Seeing the happy smile on her face. Seems I can see her future. Suddenly I feel warm and happy. 看到她脸上的幸福笑容,也似乎看到了她的未来,突然心中感觉很温暖和愉悦。
- If you feel warm, nourished and valued, you've probably encountered someone with healthy self-esteem. 如果你感到温暖,被滋养、被重视,大概你遇见某位有健康自尊心的人。
- And all of a sudden, he felt warmer and warmer! 在这一瞬间,他竟然觉得越来越温暖!
- Basic facilities have set inside the house, so you will feel warm and comfortable when you stay at the octagonal house. 室内基本设备齐全;置身于木屋中温馨感、舒适感会油然而生.