"the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb"
"she struck a goldmine"
"The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake"
fall upon的用法和样例:
Our army fell furiously upon the city. 我军猛攻这座城市。
Their lines fall in bloody ribbons before the Macedonian onslaught.Seeing the day is lost, Darius commits the unforgivable.He deserts his post and flees. 在马其顿军发动猛攻之前,波斯军的阵列即已四分五裂,大流士发现大势已去,竟做出不可原谅的举动,他决定弃战逃亡。
Then a great wave seized upon him. 这时忽然一个大浪向他猛扑过来。
You will all fall upon him in the name of law and order. 你们都以法律和秩序的名义向这个人猛扑过去。
Sir Herbert took it upon himself to act as chairman. 赫伯特爵士自作主张担负起主席的职责。