- The experience taught him a good lesson. 这次经历给了他一个很好的教训。
- The paper attempts to solve the problem posed by students in the process inorganic chemistry experimenting teaching. 就学生在无机化学实验教学过程中提出的问题作一解答。
- The young teacher should gain experience teaching from the old one. 年轻教师应从老教师那里获得教学经验。
- The management of experiment teaching quality must be all-around. 对实验教学质量的管理,必须是全面的、全过程的管理。
- The reform of experiment teaching is a systematic project. 摘要实验教学改革是一项系统工程。
- Method:To train metacognition in chemistry experiment teaching. 在高师化学实验教学中进行了元认知干预实验.
- The only thing experience teaches us is that experience teaches us nothing. 经验教导我们的惟一事情是,经验没教导我们什么事情。
- This arti-cle also put forward some suggestions for the experiment teaching. 最后对实验教学工作提出了一些建议。
- Experience teaches us our limitations. 经验教导了我们自己的极限。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- Experience teaches slowlyi, and at the cost of mistakes. 经验缓慢的教训人们,并且人们要为错误付出代价。
- Considerable experience teaching course of marketing in Siemens, Panasonic, Samsung Group, Bank of China, etc. 具有丰富教学经验,多次为众多知名企业及教育机构讲授营销课程,如西门子、松下电器、三星集团、中国银行等。
- The experience taught me the follies of being a cultural purist. 这段经历告诉我,文化纯粹主义是不明智的。
- The reform of experiment teaching system is the best choice for the colleges and universities. 实验教学系统改革是高等学校实验教学改革的最佳选择。
- She went the vole and finally settled on teaching. 她一次又一次地变换职业,最后选定了教书。
- Experiment teaching is an important practice step in college quality education system. 在高校素质教育体系中,实验教学是一个极其重要的实践教学环节。
- The Grange School says it has so much experience teaching twins that it specialises in looking after them. 这所学校表示,他们此前就有不少双胞胎学生,在区分和教育长相极为相似的双胞胎方面,他们有非常丰富的经验.
- The method of fitting Balmer formula with computer in physics experiment teaching was introduced. 介绍了在近代物理实验教学中用计算机拟合巴尔末公式的方法 .
- She was experimenting in selected units. 她在试点单位进行试验。
- Mechanical base experiment teaching is one of the important parts of engineering practice system. 摘要机械基础实验教学是工程实践体系的重要组成部分。