- One exit poll of 7,500 voters gave him 42% support, Ms Megawati 13.4%, Mr Prabowo 5.7% and the rest even less. 现在注意力转移到了七月角逐大权在握的总统宝座的竞选上。候选人们必须获得在议会选举中赢得超过1/5议席或是超过1/4选票的党派或政党联盟的提名。
- Cheers and applause erupted at Fernandez's campaign bunker and dozens of supporters banged drums outside when television channels flashed the exit poll numbers. 当电视台播出出口民调的数字时;费尔南德斯的拥护者和几十名支持者敲锣打鼓;爆发出热烈的掌声和欢呼声.
- In the immediate aftermath of the 2004 election, for example, a major national exit poll was published in which voters ranked “moral values” as having determined how they cast their ballot. 以2004年总统选举后的即时反馈为例,在公布出来的大部分投票后民意调查中,选民将“道德价值观”视为他们投票的决定性因素。
- And Kerry enjoyed strong support among African-American and elderly voters, according to the exit polls. 而且克里在非洲裔美国人和年长选民中赢得了很大的支持。
- Without exit polls, which are restricted during the voting, the claim was unverifiable. 由于缺乏民意测验(这大选期间是被限制的),这种声明无法证实。
- Meanwhile, Palmer breathes a sigh of relief when exit polls indicate that the public is behind his honesty. 与此同时,当投票后民调显示,公众对帕默的诚实表示支持时,帕默长舒了一口气,放下心头大石。
- The economy was the top issue in the election for 62 percent of voters questioned in exit polls November 4. 经济对百分之62在十一月4日投票后调查中被采访的选民来说在选举中是首要问题.
- If you look at the exit polls on election day, it was nearly in the single digits. 如果你在选举日看投票后调查;它几乎是在一位数里.
- According to exit polls, the PN obtained the largest share of the vote (43.1%) against 42.2% for the FA. 根据投票后的民意调查,右翼联合党与左派政党进步联盟42.;2%25的投票比率相比占有最大的投票比率43
- Exit polling showed that McCain drew strong support in Saturday's vote from moderate Republicans and voters who described themselves as independents. 选举后的民意测验显示,麦凯恩在星期六的选举中赢得了温和派共和党人和自称是独立派人士的选民的大力支持。
- Those who picked the Iraq war as their top issue mostly voted for President Obama in all but two states, according to the exit polling results. 那些人选择伊拉克战争为他们的首要问题在除了两个国家之外主要投票赞成总统奥巴马;按照投票后调查结果.
- Kerry fared particularly well among voters who were looking for a candidate who could beat Bush in November, according to exit polls. 根据出口民调,在那些寻求一个能在十一月击败布什的候选人的选民当中,克里进展得相当好。
- The centrist Democratic group Third Way has released an analysis of the 2004 exit polls showing, quite starkly, that Democrats lost the middle class. 对中间派民主组党已发布的三个策略分析, 2004年后的民调相当鲜明的显示,民主党失去了中产阶级。
- Five media exit polls are now suggesting the results could be a historic victory for the opposition candidate and former bishop, Fernando Lugo. 五个媒体选后测验现在正暗示,选举结果对在野党候选人和前任领导人卢戈来说将是一次历史性的胜利。
- But those who picked terrorism as their top concern overwhelmingly chose Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, according to exit polling. 但是压倒性地选择恐怖主义为他们的最受关注的事情的那些人选择参议员约翰麦肯恩;R-亚利桑那;按照投票后调查.
- The poll reported Labour to be leading. 民意测验显示工党领先。
- He headed a crowd off from the wrong exit. 他上前阻止人群从错的出口出去。
- Women were excluded from the poll. 妇女被排斥,不让参加选举。
- Exit polls from the presidential election in Paraguay indicate that the Opposition candidate, the left-wing former bishop Fernando Lugo has won a narrow victory.Mr. 巴拉圭的总统选举选后测验表明,在野党候选人,即左翼派前任领导人卢戈较少的选票领先获胜。
- We are going to conduct a public opinion poll. 我们将进行民意测验。