"I acquired a strong aversion to television"
"Children must develop a sense of right and wrong"
"Dave developed leadership qualities in his new position"
"develop a passion for painting"
用作动词 (v.)
The American constitution was planned; the British constitution evolved. 美国宪法是精心制定的,英国宪法是约定俗成的。
He has evolved a new theory after many years of research. 他经过多年的研究,逐渐总结出了新的理论。
If women do not evolve, men definitely will change. 女人一成不变,男人一定会变。
Why did humans evolve to walk upright? 人类为何进化到了直立行走的姿态?
Many Victorians were shocked by the notion that Man had evolved from lower forms of life. 在维多利亚时代,许多人对于人是由低级生物进化而来的见解大为震惊。