understanding and entering into another's feelings
用作名词 (n.)
I must have a certain gift for empathy. 我一定有移情的天赋。
There is a strange empathy between the old lady and her grandson. 老妇人和她孙子间有种莫名其妙的心灵相通的感觉。
Empathy helps us to understand how others feel. 设身处地让我们了解他人的感觉。
For Kohut, empathy is simply what allows an individual to know another's experience without losing one's objectivity. 对科胡特来说,神入仅仅是允许一个个体了解另一个个体的体验而不失其客观性。
The gift of myrrh is a prophecy of the death and burial of the earthly body of Christ, which represents our understanding and empathy for the suffering of humanity. 没药的礼物是代表基督的现世身体死亡和埋葬的预言,代表着我们理解和神入人类的苦楚。