- eervial vertigo 颈性眩晕
- The prognosis depends on the source of the vertigo. 对于病情的预判要视形成眩晕的原因而定。
- Dr: Have you had dizziness and vertigo? 你发生过头晕眼花吗?
- Only their vertigo was left with him. 他感到的只是头晕目眩。
- I will to you talk about " vertigo " problem. 我来给你谈谈关于“眩晕症”的问题。
- Do you have any vertigo, dizziness etc? 您有头晕、头昏等症状吗?
- Introduce the definition of Vertigo by questioning. 以提问方式引出眩晕概念;
- Melancholy waltz and languid vertigo! 忧郁的华尔兹、疲倦的晕旋!
- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). 良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)。
- True vertigo should be distinguished from pseudovertigo. 真性眩晕应当与假性眩晕区别开来。
- Vertigo can be caused by problems in the brain or the inner ear. 原因:脑或内耳出了问题,都可能导致眩晕。
- At Present,what kind of vertigo occupies our breathes? 现在,什么样的头晕目眩使我们无法呼吸?
- It is very important to determine if vertigo truly exists. 要确定是否真的有眩晕困扰是十分重要的。
- Added effects for Nod Vertigo Bomber's rear anti-air turret. 增加了隐轰防空炮的画面效果。
- High-dose steroid treatment greatly improved vertigo in 4 patients. 经给予高剂量类固醇治疗后,重听及眩晕的情况均获改善。
- Edmond was seized with vertigo; he cocked his gun and laid it beside him. 唐太斯顿觉一阵头晕目眩,他扣上枪机,把它放在身边。
- Grand Preceptor Wen: Aiya!!! I?was really vertigo, I should move this step. 闻:哎呀!老臣真是眼花了,应该走这一步才对。
- And my putter...... is having vertigo problem and calls in sick half of a time. 还有我的推杆......大部分的时候都有著头晕的问题; 动不动就请假。
- Then a sense of vertigo set in;perhaps the north had “won” after all. 一种眩晕的感觉不断增加,或许北方才是最终的胜利者。
- Other possible symptoms are ataxia, vertigo, seizures, and dysphagia. 其他可能的症状还有共济失调、眩晕、癫痫发作和吞咽困难。