- This summit comes at a serious time during economic turmoil. 这次峰会是伴于现在一系列的经济混乱。
- The current economic turmoil in East Asia has understandably prompted concern in Australia. 澳洲对现时在东亚发生的金融风暴感到关注,是可以理解的。
- The public, buffeted by weather fluctuations and economic turmoil, has little time to analyse decadal changes. 公众受到气候波动和经济动荡的打击,已经无暇考虑十年内的变化情况。
- Gold's recent progress seems to be a response to generalised fears of economic turmoil. 黄金近期的涨势可以看成是对经济动荡的普遍担心。
- Yet students of economic turmoil will find their subject matter conveniently close to hand. 然而,学习经济危机的学生发现他们的论文主题非常容易。
- Mr McCain, in contrast, fumbled when he mishandled his response to the economic turmoil of the past few weeks. 相对而言,麦凯恩在过去几周应对金融动荡局势的反应则显得非常笨拙。
- In May, several countries urged WHO not to declare a pandemic, fearing it would cause social and economic turmoil. 五月,有几个国家强烈要求世卫组织不要宣布流感大流行,担心会导致社会和经济的混乱。
- Political analysts predict Turkey will be thrown into a political and economic turmoil if the court orders the party to be disbanded. 政治分析人士预计,如果法庭裁决解散正义与发展党,土耳其将陷入政治和经济混乱。
- As other countries were reeling from global economic turmoil, China's economy continued to show growth, albeit at a slower pace than before. 在其他国家还在全球经济危机中步履蹒跚的时候,中国经济仍然保持着增长,虽然增长速度放缓。
- Most LDP leaders agree that the economic turmoil makes early polls inadvisable, and one is not due until next September. 自民党的多数决策人一致认为是经济动荡造成了早起民调结果不理想,一直要等到明年9月才能彻底稳定首相的位子。
- The rapid devaluation of the ruble is one of the world economic turmoil, the fall in oil prices and the economy suffered due to Russia. 卢布迅速贬值是世界经济动荡、石油价格下跌和俄罗斯经济受到冲击所致。
- Legendary investor Warren Buffett is warning shareholders of his Berkshire Hathaway that economic turmoil is likely to continue. 传奇的投资人沃伦-巴菲特警告特的伯克希尔公司的股东经济混乱很有可能会继续。
- As for the workers, the habit of battening down the hatches, which so irritates many companies, may be a sensible response to economic turmoil. 工人勒紧裤腰带的习惯,让很多公司都很恼怒,但这或许对经济动荡来说的是一个明智选择吧。
- An area comprising the countries of southwest Asia and northeast Africa. In the20th century the region has been the continuing scene of political and economic turmoil. 中东包括亚洲西南部国家和非洲东北部国家的地区,在20世纪这个地区政治、经济动荡不断。
- It draws attention to him at a time when Democrats stand to benefit from economic turmoil and helps him recast the question as one of leadership, where he is viewed positively. 在民主党可能从这场经济动荡中获益时,他的这一姿态吸引了人们的关注,但这也有助于他将问题引向领导能力(他被认为在这方面占优势)。
- Arab countries have incurred losses of 2.5 trillion dollars due to the financial and economic turmoil, Kuwait's Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammad al-Sabah said last week. 阿拉伯国家都蒙受了损失2.;5万亿美元,由于金融和经济动荡,科威特外交大臣谢赫穆罕默德萨巴赫上周表示。
- Even when Coke's earnings and stock price dropped precipitously last year in the wake of economic turmoil abroad,Ivester kept the company focused on shoring up its marketing and infrastructure for the long term. 尽管去年可口可乐公司的营业收入和股票价格因国外经济动荡的到来之际而大跌,依万斯特着重支持公司的市场推广和长期合作的客户关系。
- Despite the economic turmoil besetting the region, the Hong Kong SAR Government has been able to introduce a range of new tax concessions and lower taxes for individuals and corporations. 尽管区内饱受金融风暴困扰,香港特区政府仍能实施多项新的税项宽减,以及调低个人和公司的税款。
- Greenspan believes that the crisis will continue to be a "corrosive" force until the United States to stabilize real estate prices; crisis will trigger a series of global economic turmoil. 格林斯潘认为,这场危机将持续成为一股“腐蚀性”力量,直至美国房地产价格稳定下来;危机还将诱发全球一系列经济动荡。
- Mainly due to oversupply, a number of semiconductor companies have been struggling with average selling prices (ASPs) so low that they were not profitable even before the current economic turmoil. 由于供应过剩,许多半导体公司获利受限,而这情况甚至是在经济风暴前就已存在。