使人闷闷不乐或沮丧的;阴沉的,忧郁的 that makes one sad or depressed;dismal;gloomy
令人厌烦的;单调的;枯燥的 boring;dull
lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise;
"her drab personality"
"life was drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas"
"a series of dreary dinner parties"
causing dejection;
"a blue day"
"the dark days of the war"
"a week of rainy depressing weather"
"a disconsolate winter landscape"
"the first dismal dispiriting days of November"
"a dark gloomy day"
"grim rainy weather"
用作形容词 (adj.)
By day the monotonous hours wore on in the same heavy, hashed manner as on that first dreary afternoon. 在白天,那沉闷的时刻,就和第一个凄凉的下午一样,忧郁寂寞地度过。
Its yellow ambiguous stripes and dreary sky are homologous, which makes the world harmonious. 它背上灰黄斑驳的花纹,跟沉闷的天空遥遥相应,造成和谐的色调。
Hurstwood's dreary state made its beauty become more and more vivid. 赫斯渥那令人沮丧的处境使得这些情景更加美丽迷人。