- cut mother's apron strings (摆脱对母亲的依赖)
- She will never lave home; she is too tied to her mother's apron strings. 她永远也离不开家; 她太依赖她的母亲了。
- He's over twenty and lives at home, still tied to his mother's apron strings. 他20多岁了,还住在家里,仍然拴在母亲的围裙带上。
- He was tied to his mother's apron strings. 他受他妈妈的影响。
- Even he grew up,he was still tied to his mother's apron strings. 他甚至成年后仍然什么都依靠母亲作主。
- When he was very young,he let go of his mother's apron strings. 在他很年轻的时候他就不依赖母亲了。
- Even he grew up, he was still tied to his mother's apron strings. 他甚至成年后仍然什么都依靠母亲作主。
- When he was very young, he let go of his mother's apron strings. 在他很年轻的时候他就不依赖母亲了。
- be tied to sb.'s apron string 受某人的支配
- Be tied to the apron strings of one's wife. 围裙带,泛指女人。
- The poor emperor has been tied to his mother's apron strings all his life. 可怜的皇帝一辈子都不能脱离母亲的控制。
- Even after Mike grew up he was still tied to his mother's apron strings. 甚至在迈克长大成人之后,他还完全依赖母亲。
- He's over twenty and lives at home,still tied to his mother's apron strings. 他20多岁了,还住在家里,仍然拴在母亲的围裙带上。
- She will never lave home;she is too tied to her mother's apron strings. 她永远也离不开家;她太依赖她的母亲了。
- He didn't want to cling to his wife's apron strings after marriage. 他不想在婚后受太太的控制。
- Even at 25 Janice was tied to her parent's apron strings. 珍妮丝甚至到25岁了还受父母的控制。
- The British prime minister is too apt to cling to Washington's apron strings. 英国首相对华府过于唯命是从。
- Table light with hand cut mother of pearl discs; hoop mounted on a three ring steel structure. 采用人工贝壳材质的台灯环绕安置在3个钢圈上。
- Hanging light with hand cut mother of pearl discs; hoop mounted on a three ring steel structure. 采用人工贝壳材质的吊灯环绕安置在3个钢圈上。
- I suspect Iris'therapist told her she was too involved with her parents and that if her marriage was to survive she would have to cut the apron strings and forge a closer relationship with her husband. 我估量艾莉思的心理医生已经告诉她:她与她的父母走得太近;如果要想维持她的婚姻,她必须脱离她父母的控制,并与她丈夫建立更亲近的关系。