He made up a story to explain why he was absent. 他编造了一个故事为他的缺席辩解。
His lawyers accuse the government of covering up the affair, despite evidence that at least one rogue security official was involved in plotting Mr Dink's death. 他的律师指责政府隐瞒事实真相,尽管有证据显示至少有一名无耻的安全官员参与谋划了丁克的死亡。
Suffering defeat in two campaigns, Tabinshwehti gave himself up to drink, leaving to his brother-in-law, Bayinnaung, the task of suppressing a southern revolt. 在两次谋划已久的战役中遭受失败,德彬瑞蒂转而将自己终日沉浸于饮酒作乐之中,而将镇压南部叛乱的任务交予他的妹夫勃应囊。