- n. 例子;情况;案例;(辩论或诉讼)论据;箱
- v. 装箱;踩点;仔细检查
- 事实,情况,实情,真相
- 事例,实例
- 容器,箱,盒,袋
- 罩,套子
- 病例
- 患者
- 理由
- 案件,个案
- 状况
- 诉讼
- 鞘
- 把...装入箱内,装箱,塞
- 把...插入鞘内
- 给...加框
- 包,围,包围
- 查看(地点),观察,探查,窥探,窥测,作一番探索
- <俚>(盗窃前)事先察看
- 探路,踩道,踩点
- =Council of Administrations of Special Education 专业教育管理人员委员会
- =Committee on Academic Science and Engineering 理论科学及工程学委员会
- =Council for the Advancement of Secondary Education 中等教育促进委员会
- =Computer Aided Software Engineering【计】电脑辅助软体工程
- [C]事例,实例 instance or example of the occurrence of sth
- [C]实情,情况 actual state of affairs; situation
- [C]病例,病症,患者 instance of a disease or an injury; person suffering from this
- [C]被警方调查的案件,诉讼案 matter that is being officially investigated, especially by the police; question to be decided in a court of law; lawsuit
- [C]容器,包装 any of various types of container or protective covering
- [C]手提箱 suitcase
an occurrence of something;
"it was a case of bad judgment"
"another instance occurred yesterday"
"but there is always the famous example of the Smiths"
a special set of circumstances;
"in that event, the first possibility is excluded"
"it may rain in which case the picnic will be canceled"
a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy;
"the family brought suit against the landlord"
the actual state of things;
"that was not the case"
a portable container for carrying several objects;
"the musicians left their instrument cases backstage"
a person requiring professional services;
"a typical case was the suburban housewife described by a marriage counselor"
a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures; someone who is an object of investigation;
"the subjects for this investigation were selected randomly"
"the cases that we studied were drawn from two different communities"
a problem requiring investigation;
"Perry Mason solved the case of the missing heir"
a statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument;
"he stated his case clearly"
the quantity contained in a case
nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence
a specific state of mind that is temporary;
"a case of the jitters"
a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities);
"a real character"
"a strange character"
"a friendly eccentric"
"the capable type"
"a mental case"
a specific size and style of type within a type family
an enveloping structure or covering enclosing an animal or plant organ or part
the housing or outer covering of something;
"the clock has a walnut case"
the enclosing frame around a door or window opening;
"the casings had rotted away and had to be replaced"
(printing) the receptacle in which a compositor has his type, which is divided into compartments for the different letters, spaces, or numbers;
"for English, a compositor will ordinarily have two such cases, the upper case containing the capitals and the lower case containing the small letters"
bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow;
"the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase"
a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home
look over, usually with the intention to rob;
"They men cased the housed"
enclose in, or as if in, a case;
"my feet were encased in mud"
- Talk of wasting money, my buying this car is a case in point.
谈到浪费钱财,我买这台车就是个恰当的例子。 - In your case, we are prepared to be lenient.
根据你的情况,我们拟予从宽处理 - But that is not always the case, sometimes the table can turn.
但事情并不一定都是这样,有时情况会发生改变。 - The case involved charges of police corruption.
这个案子涉及对警方腐败的控诉。 - The judge quotes various cases in support of his opinion.
法官引证了各种案例来支持他的判决理由。 - I think you can win because you have a very strong case.
我认为你能赢,因为你的论据很有力。 - We ordered 3 cases of beer for the party.
- The goods have been cased up for transport.
货物已装箱待运。 - The thieves cased Wilson's house before the robbery.
那些盗贼在抢劫前窥探了威尔逊的住宅。 - He felt he had the situation cased well enough.
他感觉到他已经对局面作了相当详尽的估计。 - Case it around before you leave.
- fight the case out
把官司打到底,把问题搞得水落石出 go on a case and make it clear
- get down to cases
开始谈到要点 begin to talk about sth important
- in any case
还有 have the other
- in case
也许,说不定 maybe
- in case of
防备 because of the possibility of sth happening
- in no case
无论如何不 in no circumstances
- in the case of
至于…,就…来说 about sth
- in this case
既然这样 if this happens or has happened; if this is the state of affairs
- make a case for
坚持下去 hold on sth
- make out a case
证明…有理由,提出对某事有利的证据 give arguments in favour of sth
- on a case
在处理案件 dealing with a case
- such being the case
事实既然如此 if this has happened
- appeal a case 上诉
- argue one's case 为自己的意见辩解
- bring a case 控告
- detective case 提起诉讼
- diagnose a case 诊断病情
- discuss a case 讨论一个病情
- dismiss a case 撤销案件
- drop a case 撤回诉讼
- gain a case 胜诉
- give a case 举个例子
- hear a case 听审
- illustrate a case 说明一个情况
- isolate the case 隔离病人
- lose a case 败诉
- make out one's case 证明自己有理由
- pack a case 装箱子
- present a case 起诉
- rest one's case 自动停止向法院对案件提出证据
- state one's case 说明自己的情况和理由
- work on the case 调查案件
- attested case 已证实的例子
- exceptional case 特殊情况
- individual case 特别情况
- analogous case 类似的例子
- disputed case 有争议的问题
- every case 各种情况
- in most cases 大多数情况
- parallel case 类似情况
- recent case 最近情况
- similar case 相似的情况
- specific case 特定情况
- typical case 典型情况
- worst case 最坏情况
- acute case 急性病
- chronic case 慢性病
- contagious case 传染病
- hard case 无药可救的人
- hopeless case 绝症
- incurable case 不治之症
- light case 轻病员
- mental case 精神病患者
- urgent case 急症病例
- walking case 能自己步行就诊的病人
- borderline case 难以确定的情况
- display case 陈列柜
- emergency case 急症病例
- glass case 玻璃盒
- jewel case 珠宝盒
- pillow case 枕头套
- stretcher case 必须用担架抬的重病病人
- typewriter case 打字机盒
- vanity case 化妆盒
- watch case 表壳
- in case 在盒子里
- in most cases 在大多数情况下
- in sb's case 就某人的情况
- case about equal pay 关系到同工同酬的诉案
- case for books 书橱
- case for sb 有利于某人的陈诉
- case for treatment 需要治疗的病人
- case of conscience 良心问题
- case of ginger ale 一箱姜汁啤酒
- case of life and death 生存大事
- case of robbery with violence 暴力抢劫案
- cases of wine 几箱葡萄酒
- case with sb 某人的情况
By caase of fortune.
出自: Caxton -
I you recount a ruefull cace.
出自: Spenser -
They seem'd almost, with staring on one another, to tear the cases of their eyes.
出自:Winter's Tale , Shakespeare -
Cloth cases..for binding the volume will be issued with the December number.
出自:Oxford English Dictionary -
They case their limbs in brass; to arms they run.
出自: Pope -
Bones of seals, walrus, and whalessall now cased in ice.
出自: E. K. Kane -
A brick wall..cased with stone.
出自: J. Gwilt