- China Calligraphic Art Research Inst. 中厦建筑设计研究院中国书法艺术研究院。
- The era of multiple values has arrived. For calligraphic art, we would like to see various styles and presentations. 多元价值的时代已经来临,对书法艺术而言,我们希望看到各种不同的表现方式。
- Forest Of Steles Museum: It is the location of ancient steles in Xi'an and the treasure-house of the Chinese calligraphic art. 碑林是西安古代碑石精华所在地,是中国书法艺术宝库。
- The rhythmization of the visional art, also called the "silent voice", can be considered as the most important trait of the calligraphic art. 摘要视觉艺术的韵律化,可以说是书法艺术最重要的本质特征,即所谓的“无声之音”。
- The charm of Chinese traditional culture and art should be transferred to tourists while introducing Chinese poetry, painting, calligraphic art, etc. 在有关中国诗词、绘画、书法艺术等的导游讲解中应向游客准确地传递文化信息,引领他们感受中国传统艺术形式的魅力。
- Calligraphy Art of hand writing or script drawing. 书写字体的艺术。
- These different forms of materials produced different aesthetic appreciations and their character-loading materials influenced and resulted in different features of calligraphic art. 这些不同物质形态的书法作品给我们的审美感受不同,其载荷体影响并造就了不同的书法艺术特征。
- Calligraphy art is the Chinese traditional culture treasure. 书法艺术是中华民族传统文化的瑰宝。
- China and Korea have a long history of calligraphy art. 中韩两国均有着悠久的书法艺术发展历史。
- Gao Dai and His Calligraphic Art 高岱和他的书法艺术
- The scholastic calligrapher who has accomplished in calligraphic art must have something special,at least with regard to a certain aspect in academic field. 凡是在书法艺术方面较有成就的学者书家,至少都在学问的某一方面有过人之处。
- In Chinese calligraphy, the structure of Chinese characters, changes of line, white and black, the balance, the setting-off and so forth form the aesthetic foundation of calligraphic art. 在书法中汉字结构、笔画线条的黑白对立、牵制、衬托、消长等变化来构成书法艺术美的美学基础。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- Now left the Northern Wei Dynasty Stele, with a very high artistic value and historical value, is a rare art of calligraphy art. 现今留存下来的北魏碑刻,具有极高的历史价值和艺术价值,是书法艺术不可多得的艺术珍品。
- Being the glorious carrier of the particular Chinese calligraphies art, Hengshui Calligraphy Models has dedicated a lot to pass down it. 衡水法帖作为载体,为中华民族独有的书法艺术的传承、发展起到了巨大的推动作用。
- Because is not each people all can on the operating post, puts out the spare time to be engaged in the calligraphy art devotionally. 因为不是每个人都能在工作岗位上,拿出业余时间专心从事书法艺术的。
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。
- On the Calligraphic Art of Book Copied on Bamboo and Silk in Chu State 楚简帛书法艺术概论
- Though tracing back to the discovering and using historical materials, the author discusses the cliff sculpture's value and status in epigraphy, plutonomy and calligraphy art. 通过追溯摩崖发现经过和结合相关史料,凸显此摩崖在金石学、社会政治经济学和书法艺术上的价值和地位。
- With profound aesthetic meaning,the calligraphy art itself conta ins abundant beautiful factors and it is the base of aesthetic education in call igraphy teaching. 书法艺术本身蕴含着丰富的美的因素,具有深刻的美学意义,这是书法教育中实施美育的基础。