- bursae synovialis subfascialis [医] 筋膜下粘液囊
- bursa synovialis subfascialis 筋膜下滑膜囊
- bursae synovialis [医] 粘液囊, 滑[液]囊
- bursae synovialis subcutanea [医] 皮下粘液囊
- bursae synovialis submucularis [医] 肌下粘液囊
- bursae synovialis subtendinea [医] 腱下粘液囊
- bursae synovialis trochlearis [医] 滑车[粘液]囊, 滑车肌囊
- bursa synovialis 滑液囊,滑膜瘤,滑囊
- bursa synovialis trochlearis 滑车滑囊
- bursa synovialis subcutanea 皮下滑膜囊
- bursa synovialis submuscularis 肌下滑膜囊,肌下粘液囊
- bursa synovialis subtendinea 腱下滑膜囊
- Copulatory bursa draw out to 3/4on the tail. 交合伞不全包盖尾;至尾部约3/4处.
- You who knows bursa remedial insomnia? 你们谁知道囊个治疗失眠?
- Bursitis is inflammation or irritation of a bursa. 滑囊炎是滑囊的炎症。
- A painful swelling of the bursa of the first joint of the big toe. 大趾内侧,会疼痛的肿炎。
- The ulcer has perforated into the lessor omental bursa. 溃疡穿透到小网膜囊。
- The ulcer has perforated into the lesser omental bursa. 溃疡穿透到小网膜囊。
- The bursae act as cushioning to allow smooth gliding between these structures. 滑囊起缓冲作用,以保证两个结构的通畅滑动。
- I asked the operator to get me Adana,Kozan,Bursa,Ankara,Kayseri and Izmir. 于是我请接线员给我接通了亚达那、科扎恩、布尔沙、安卡拉、开塞里和伊士麦。