"couldn't keep her eyes off the wanted toy"
"a wanted criminal"
"a wanted poster"
characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for;
"a cherished friend"
"children are precious"
"a treasured heirloom"
"so good to feel wanted"
The doctor wanted us to use the sheet for a shroud. 醫生想讓我們用床單當裹屍布。
The invader wanted to attack our country. 侵略者妄圖攻打我們國家。
They wanted to know when you would go to the park. 他們想知道你們什麼時候去公園。
He wanted to find some wine in the pantry. 他想在餐具室里找到一些酒。
He is wanted by the police. 警察正通緝他。
After many years abroad, he wanted to return home to his country. 在國外多年後,他想回到故鄉。
His love was a sham; he only wanted her money. 他愛她是假的,他只想要她的錢。
The management wanted some250 workers to give up their present incentive pay, which would have cut their daily wages by about$5 a man. 資方想使250名工人放棄眼下的增產刺激金,這樣每名工人的工資每天要減少5元。