- 陰險的
- 不正直的
- 拐彎抹角的
- 彎彎曲曲的
- 迂迴曲折的
- 【植】扭曲的
- 繞圈子的
- 含混不清的
- 不正當的
- 冗長費解的
- 盤旋的
- 騙人的
- 委婉的(話)
highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious;
"the Byzantine tax structure"
"Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship"
"convoluted legal language"
"convoluted reasoning"
"the plot was too involved"
"a knotty problem"
"got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering"
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave"
"tortuous legal procedures"
"tortuous negotiations lasting for months"
marked by repeated turns and bends;
"a tortuous road up the mountain"
"winding roads are full of surprises"
"had to steer the car down a twisty track"
not straightforward;
"his tortuous reasoning"
- It took all he could do to keep his cart from going over in the tortuous mountain trails.
他竭盡全力才算保住大車,沒有在曲曲彎彎的山路上翻倒。 - History follows a tortuous course.
歷史是循著一條曲折的道路發展的。 - We still have a long and tortuous road to travel.
我們還要走一條漫長而曲折的過路。 - But the negotiations proved long and tortuous.
但談判還是轉彎抹角地拖了很久。 - Never mind the tortuous explanation;tell me in plain English, are you coming or not?
- tortuous passage 曲折通道
- tortuous channel 彎曲河道
- tortuous flow 紊流
The route from Avebury is slow and tortuous.
出自: W. Horwood
- roundabout 繞道的
- crooked 彎曲的
- winding 卷
- twisting 翹曲
- convoluted 旋繞的
- involved 涉及的
- circuitous 迂迴的
- indirect 間接的
- complex 複雜的
- complicated 複雜難懂的
- intricate 複雜的
- difficult 困難的
- devious 迂迴的
- deceitful 欺詐的
- crafty 狡猾的
- sly 狡猾的
- artful 狡猾的
- voluminous 卷數多的
- Byzantine 拜占庭的
- twisty 彎彎曲曲的
- knotty 有結的
- tangled 糾纏的