not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness;
"an ambitious, disingenuous, philistine, and hypocritical operator, who...exemplified...the most disagreeable traits of his time"
"a disingenuous excuse"
marked by skill in achieving a desired end especially with cunning or craft;
"the artful dodger"
"an artful choice of metaphors"
用作形容詞 (adj.)
That man used artful means to find out secrets. 那人使用狡猾的手段獲取機密。
An artful man often tries all sorts of tricks to gain his end. 狡猾的人總是為達目的不擇手段。
The little girl is artful and knows how to get round her parents. 小女孩很機靈,懂得怎樣哄她父母依她。
It's an artful little gadget for opening tins. 那是個小巧玲瓏的開罐頭工具。
He tripped the witness by artful questions. 他以巧妙的質問誘使證人說話前後矛盾。