- "Sohu Company President Robert ancient Wing tinkling of small bells said. 搜狐公司首席運營官古永鏘先生說。
- In particular, the more prevalent attachment of small bells to vessels may have been inspired by the northerners' delight in adding jingles to their bronzes. 特別是,大量的附著著小鈴的器皿也許是受到北方人的啟發,因為後者喜歡把叮噹作響之物加在他們的青銅器上。
- The wind carries away in glee the tinkling of your anklet bells. 風高興地帶走了你踝鈴的丁當。太陽微笑著,望著你的打扮。
- A single light metallic sound,as of a small bell. 叮鐺聲一陣輕脆的金屬般的聲音,如一個小鈴鐺發出的聲音
- A single light metallic sound, as of a small bell. 叮鐺聲一陣輕脆的金屬般的聲音,如一個小鈴鐺發出的聲音
- I'm sony, but we're sold out of small sizes. 對不起,小號的我們都賣完了。
- He went to open the door when he heard the tinkle of the bell. 他聽到鈴聲響,就走過去開門。
- The thrush is a kind of small singing bird. 畫眉是一種小鳴禽。
- On the farther side of the street there was a row of small shops. 街那頭是一排小商店。
- Substances consist of small particles called molecules. 物質是由叫做分子的微粒組成的。
- Hundreds of small craft accompany the liner into harbour. 數百隻小艇隨同這艘班輪駛入港灣。
- A thicket of small trees or shrubs; a coppice. 矮林,萌生林一種小樹叢或灌木叢; 矮林
- The gentle burps which it evokes from the drinker are heard amid the bustle of Parisian sidewalk cafes and amid the tinkling of Siamese temple bells. 在熙熙攘攘的巴黎露天茶座中,在暹邏寺叮咚的鐘聲里,能聽到飲用它的人在輕輕地打嗝。
- Carries a complete line of small tools. 包攬了小工具的全部商品
- Spear with small bell,it's imposing to wield it! 矛上掛鈴鐺,舞動起來好威風啊!
- But occasion-ally, during a brief lull in the honking, I』d hear the tinkling of a bell behind me. 但有時候,在鳴笛之後的短暫平靜時間裡,我會聽到有鈴聲在我身後響起。
- They are engaged in the supply of small parts for replacement. 他們從事提供備用小零件的工作。
- Foam rubber is soft rubber full of small air-bubbles. 泡沫橡膠是充滿了小氣泡的軟橡膠。
- The steady accumulation of small debts was a ball and chain to his progress. 不斷累積的小債務妨礙了他的發展不斷累積的小債務妨礙了他的發展。
- He lay with an arm over his face. Then he heard the tinkling of two coins. 他用一個胳膊遮住自己的臉躺著,然後他又聽到了兩個硬幣的撞擊聲。