Wanda Witch decides to run away and take her precious pet with her, but then Cat-a-bogus casts a special spell to make Wanda Witch's dragon small again. 於是,小女巫決定帶著她珍愛的寵物離開,不過,後來冒牌貓念了一段咒語,讓小女巫的龍又變小了。
This technique allows our stops to move away quickly during periods of high volatility without the risk of being unnecessarily whipsawed during brief periods of low volatility. 這個方法既能讓我們的止損點在市場波動性變高時迅速遠離市場高點,同時又不會讓我們在市場波動性暫時變小時被無謂的止損出局。
The sounds fainted away in the distance. 聲音在遠處逐漸變弱。
Real echoes usually fade away before they become that distorted, but you can see how it works with an artificial echo on two recorders. 真實的回聲通常在它們被扭曲前慢慢變弱,但你能夠看到兩台錄音機是怎樣製造模擬回聲的。