
[ʃɔːt]     [ʃɔːrt]    
  • adj. 短的;矮的;短期的;短缺的;簡略的;粗暴無禮的;[語]短音的
  • adv. 缺少;未達到;半中間(打斷);過早地(終止)
  • n. <英口>烈酒;電影短片;[電]短路
  • v. (使)短路
shorter shortest shortness shorted shorted shorting shorts



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 短的,矮的,低的
  2. 短暫的,短期的
  3. 縮寫的,簡略的,簡短的
  4. 缺少的,短缺的,緊缺的,緊俏的,不足的
  5. 未達到的
  6. 【語音】短音的
  7. 【冶】(金屬)易裂的,易碎的,脆的,強度不夠的
  8. 【證券】即將到期的
adv. (副詞)
  1. 不足地,缺乏地
  2. 唐突地,突然地,忽然
  3. 簡短地,簡單地
  4. 未達到,不及
  5. 簡慢地
  6. 半中間(打斷),過早地(終止)
  7. (股票投機等)以空頭方式
n. (名詞)
  1. 概略,要點
  2. 不足,缺乏
  3. 蕭特(音譯名)
  4. 【語音】短音節
  5. 【音】短音符
  6. 【商】賣空,空方,空頭
  7. 【棒】游擊手
  8. <英口>烈酒,少量烈酒
  9. 電影短片
  10. 總之,簡言之
  11. 短褲
  12. <口>短片,短文,短片小說
v. (動詞)
  1. 故意少給,給的不足 ,短斤少兩
  2. 欺騙
  3. 【電】使短路
  4. 賣空(股票), 售賣借來的股票(證券用語)


adj. (形容詞)
  1. 短的; 簡短的,短暫的 measuring little from one end to the other; not last long; brief
  2. [A] 短期的,即將兌現的 maturing at an early date
  3. 矮的,低的 below the average height
  4. [P] 簡稱的,簡略形式的 a shorter form of, way of saying
  5. 短缺的,未達標的 not reaching the usual standard or required weight, length, quality, etc.
  6. [P] 不夠; 缺乏,缺少 not having much or enough of sth; lacking sth or a certain quality
  7. 簡單粗暴的,唐突無禮的 curt; abrupt
  8. 短音的 pronounced for a relatively brief time
  9. 少而濃的,烈性的 small and strong; made with spirits
  10. 油酥的 rich and crumbly as a result of containing much fat
adv. (副詞)
  1. 突然,唐突地 suddenly; abruptly
n. (名詞)
  1. [C] 短路 short circuit
  2. [C] 短片 short film, especially one shown before the main film at a cinema
  3. [P] 烈酒 small strong alcoholic drink, especially of spirits
  4. [P] 短褲 short trousers that do not reach the knee, e.g. as worn by children, or by adults playing sports or in hot weather


  1. the location on a baseball field where the shortstop is stationed

  2. accidental contact between two points in an electric circuit that have a potential difference

  3. the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between second and third base

  1. primarily temporal sense; indicating or being or seeming to be limited in duration;

    "a short life"
    "a short flight"
    "a short holiday"
    "a short story"
    "only a few short months"

  2. (primarily spatial sense) having little length or lacking in length;

    "short skirts"
    "short hair"
    "the board was a foot short"
    "a short toss"

  3. low in stature; not tall;

    "he was short and stocky"
    "short in stature"
    "a short smokestack"
    "a little man"

  4. not sufficient to meet a need;

    "an inadequate income"
    "a poor salary"
    "money is short"
    "on short rations"
    "food is in short supply"
    "short on experience"

  5. (of memory) deficient in retentiveness or range;

    "a short memory"

  6. not holding securities or commodities that one sells in expectation of a fall in prices;

    "a short sale"
    "short in cotton"

  7. of speech sounds or syllables of relatively short duration;

    "the English vowel sounds in `pat', `pet', `pit', `pot', putt' are short"

  8. less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so;

    "a light pound"
    "a scant cup of sugar"
    "regularly gives short weight"

  9. lacking foresight or scope;

    "a short view of the problem"
    "shortsighted policies"
    "shortsighted critics derided the plan"
    "myopic thinking"

  10. tending to crumble or break into flakes due to a large amount of shortening;

    "shortbread is a short crumbly cookie"
    "a short flaky pie crust"

  11. marked by rude or peremptory shortness;

    "try to cultivate a less brusque manner"
    "a curt reply"
    "the salesgirl was very short with him"

  1. quickly and without warning;

    "he stopped suddenly"

  2. without possessing something at the time it is contractually sold;

    "he made his fortune by selling short just before the crash"

  3. clean across;

    "the car's axle snapped short"

  4. at some point or distance before a goal is reached;

    "he fell short of our expectations"

  5. so as to interrupt;

    "She took him up short before he could continue"

  6. at a disadvantage;

    "I was caught short"

  7. in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner;

    "he told me curtly to get on with it"
    "he talked short with everyone"
    "he said shortly that he didn't like it"

  1. cheat someone by not returning him enough money

  2. create a short circuit in



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. You've cut my hair very short.
  2. In contrast with his brothers, Tom is rather short.
  3. Let's take a short break for lunch.
  4. These goods are in short supply; the price will be high.
  5. The usual word "pub" is short for "public house".
    常用的「pub」一詞是「public house」的簡略形式。
  6. He was short with me this morning.
  7. Compare the short vowel in 'full' and the long vowel in 'fool'.
    比較 full 中的短母音和 fool 中的長母音。
用作副詞 (adv.)
  1. The children mustn't go short of food.
  2. We often run short of staff in the summer.
  3. All too often you pitch the ball short.
  4. His achievements had fallen short of his hopes.
  5. Excuse me, but I'll have to cut you short.
  6. Her singing career was cut short by a car accident.


用作形容詞 (adj.)
at short notice
    立即,倉促 with little warning
be little short of
    幾乎和…相同; 簡直是 nearly the same as
come short of
    失望 miss; be less than what is expectedHe came short of our expectation.他令我們失望。
fall short (of)
    沒有達到標準,不夠,不足 fail to reach a required, or a specified standard
give short shrift
    對…不太理睬,漠不關心 devote little time to sb
    give sb/sth short shrift

    He came to me with some crazy plan, but I gave it very short shrift.


    Gerald tried to borrow another ten pounds from me, but I give him very short shrift.


go short (of)
    缺乏,不夠 have less of sth than one should
in a short time
    〈非正〉過了一陣子 after a short time
in short supply
    供不應求 scare
make short work of
    快速完成; 迅速處理 complete〔conclude〕 quickly
nothing short of
    完全相同 the same as
run short (of)
    短缺,數量不足 not have enough of
short and sweet
    〈口〉簡單明了 brief and to the point
short change
    故意少給其找零頭 give sb insufficient change
short head
    少量; 短距離 small amount; small distance
short of
    除了…之外 exceptHe will do anything short of murder to achieve his ends.為了達到目的,他除了兇殺什麼都會幹。
short of breath
    喘不過氣來 breathless
short weight
    比…重量要輕 less than the proper weight
stop short of
    不再,停止 not go as far as
to cut a long story short
    簡言之 recount sth briefly
用作副詞 (adv.)
bring〔pull〕 up short
    使…忽然停止干某事 make sb/sth suddenly what one is doing
    bring〔pull〕 sb/sth up short (by v-ing)

    Ann was strolling along aimlessly when I brought her up short by calling her name from the other side of the street.


    He brought the bus up short when the light changed to red.


    The driver pulled the car up short just in time to prevent an accident.


cut short
    突然停止 stop suddenly
    cut sb/sth short

    I cut him short in the middle of his explanation.


    The meeting was cut short when the chairman fell ill.


stop short
    突然停止 stop suddenly
    stop short

    Uncle Tom stopped short and looked at me.


    The professor opened his mouth to say something; but he stopped short.


    He stopped short when he heard his name called.


    The horse stopped short when he heard my voice.


    stop sb/sth short

    Stopping the car short caused a pileup on the highway.


用作名詞 (n.)
for short
    簡稱,縮寫 in abbreviated form
in short
    簡而言之 stated briefly
the long and the short of
    概要 speaking briefly


用作形容詞 (adj.)
~+名詞 動詞+~ ~+介詞
用作副詞 (adv.)
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • The the shortest in England (155 feet long).

    出自: Jan Morris
  • I don't like your hair as short as that.

    出自: C. Priest
  • When the little one sat down..her legs were..too short to reach the ground.

    出自: P. Fitzgerald
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