vt. 剽竊,非法翻印,侵犯專利 copy and sell (the work of other people,such as a book,a new invention,etc.) without permission or payment,when the copyright belongs to sb else
n. (名詞)
[C]海盜 (especially formerly) a person who sails around stopping and robbing ships at sea
[C]剽竊者,侵犯版權者 a person who pirates the work of other people
someone who uses another person's words or ideas as if they were his own
someone who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without having a commission from any sovereign nation
a ship that is manned by pirates
copy illegally; of published material
take arbitrarily or by force;
"The Cubans commandeered the plane and flew it to Miami"
用作名詞 (n.)
The sailor suddenly saw a pirate jumping onto the deck. 那水手忽然看到一名海盜跳上了甲板。
Those software pirates have made a great fortune. 這些軟體的盜版者發了大財。
用作動詞 (v.)
We will immediately call the police once we find our CDs being pirated. 一旦發現我們的唱片被盜版,我們會立即報警。
A gang of bandits pirated the cargo ship. 一幫土匪搶劫了那艘貨船。
The design for the new dress collection was pirated in the Far East. 新式服裝的系列設計在遠東被非法剽竊了。