- v. 偷;竊取
- n. 偷竊;便宜貨;(欺詐的)政治交易
- 偷(東西),做賊
- 竊取,行竊
- 偷偷地行動、進行
- 【棒】盜(壘)
- 巧取,偷偷的奪取
- 剽竊(別人文字)
- 溜
- 暗暗拉攏,籠絡
- 突然做
- 僭據,侵佔
- 偷偷看…一眼
- 博得某人的歡心
- 偷吻,突然吻一下
- 悄悄地做,悄悄的走
- <口>偷竊
- <口>贓物
- <口>不正常的政治交易
- <口>以極低廉價格買來的東西
- 【棒】盜壘
- 意外之財
- 詐欺
- 不正當的獲得
- 以極低價出售
- (籃)斷球,抄截
- vt. & vi. 偷 unlawfully take away sth which belongs to sb else
- [C] [U] 便宜貨 good bargain; easy task
an advantageous purchase;
"she got a bargain at the auction"
"the stock was a real buy at that price"
a stolen base; an instance in which a base runner advances safely during the delivery of a pitch (without the help of a hit or walk or passed ball or wild pitch)
take without the owner's consent;
"Someone stole my wallet on the train"
"This author stole entire paragraphs from my dissertation"
move stealthily;
"The ship slipped away in the darkness"
steal a base
- He was sent into prison for stealing.
他由於偷竊被送入監獄。 - He stole a glance at the pretty girl across the table.
他偷偷地看了一眼桌子對面那個漂亮的女孩。 - Despite fine acting by several well-known stars, it was a young newcomer who stole the show.
- The number of book steal from the library is large.
圖書館遺失的書很多。 - Ladies and gentlemen, it's a steal at only $50.'
`女士們、 先生們,這個只賣50美元,太便宜啦.
- steal along (v.+adv.)
悄悄前進 secretly go ahead
steal alongThe cat steals along under the hedge till it comes near the bird,and then suddenly springs and seizes it.
- steal away (v.+adv.)
偷走(某物) take sth without permission
steal awayHe stole away at night, leaving a letter on my pillow.
Then steal away, give little warning.
steal sth ⇔ awayA pickpocket stole away all his money.
Mary stole away your heart.
- steal from (v.+prep.)
偷偷地離開 leave silently and secretly
steal from sthHe stole from the rich to give the poor.
Would you steal from your own family?
steal sth from sthHow much jewellery did the thieves steal from the house?
steal sth from sbHe managed to steal a kiss from the girl.
steal from sthThe boy stole from the room while they were talking about his punishment.
- steal into (v.+prep.)
偷偷地進入 get in secretly
steal into sthThe thief stealthily stole into the house.
- steal on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
悄悄地來到 come down unsoundlyThe winter has stolen on us.不知不覺地冬天已經來到了。
- steal out (v.+adv.)
(從…)偷偷地溜出 run away secretly
steal out of sthHe stole out of the room.
- steal over (v.+prep.)
不知不覺地向…襲來,對…產生影響 pass over or have a gradual effect on sb
steal over sb/sthFeeling of infinitive melancholy stole over him.
A smile stole over his face.
- steal up on (v.+adv.+prep.)
降臨到某人身上 begin to happen to, reach, or have an effect on sb graduallyDoubt stole up on me about his truthfulness.我漸漸地對他的真誠產生了懷疑。
- steal a glance at 偷看
- steal a kiss from sb 偷吻某人
- steal a painting 偷走一幅畫
- steal a sight of 偷看
- steal information 盜竊情報
- steal money 偷錢
- steal sb's heart 巧妙地博得某人的歡心
- steal accidentally 意外偷竊
- steal angrily 憤怒地偷竊
- steal bravely 大膽地偷竊
- steal casually 漫不經心地偷竊
- steal cautiously 小心翼翼地偷偷行動
- steal consistently 一致地偷竊
- steal constantly 不斷地偷竊
- steal covertly 偷偷摸摸地偷竊
- steal cunningly 巧妙地偷竊
- steal daringly 大膽地偷竊
- steal deliberately 有意地偷竊
- steal desperately 不顧一切地偷竊
- steal discreetly 謹慎地偷
- steal episodically 偶爾偷竊
- steal eventually 最終偷竊
- steal extemporaneously 臨時偷竊
- steal finally 最終偷竊
- steal frequently 不斷地偷竊
- steal furtively 偷偷摸摸地行動
- steal hastily 急速地偷竊
- steal heartlessly 無意地偷竊
- steal hideously 令人驚駭地偷竊
- steal instinctively 本能地偷竊
- steal involuntarily 不由自主地偷竊
- steal noiselessly 悄悄地偷竊
- steal purposely 有目的地偷竊
- steal rapidly 迅速偷竊
- steal reluctantly 不情願地偷竊
- steal resolutely 果斷地偷竊
- steal satisfactorily 滿意地偷竊
- steal simultaneously 同時偷竊
- steal slyly 狡猾地偷竊
- steal softly 輕輕地溜出
- steal speedily 快速地偷竊
- steal successfully 成功地偷竊
- steal symbolically 象徵性地偷竊
- steal unanimously 一致偷竊
- steal very slowly 緩慢偷竊
- steal victoriously 成功地偷竊
- steal along 悄悄地前進
- steal away 偷偷溜走
- steal by 悄然流逝
- steal in 溜進來
- steal out 溜出去
- steal round 偷偷地繞到後門
- steal up 不知不覺地來到,開始
- steal at 偷偷看某人一眼
- steal from the house 溜出房子
- steal from the rich 偷取富人的財物
- steal into one's heart 漸漸進入心裡
- steal into room 偷偷溜進房間
- steal out of the room 溜出房間
- steal over the valley 悄悄地籠罩了山谷
- steal to the door 悄悄走到門口
My purse had been stolen while I slept..and I had no money.
出自: A. Davis -
Charles had been sent down from university for stealing books.
出自: M. Lane