One of the payoff of a university degree is increase earning power. 一所大學學位獎賞之一是所增長的收益能力.
Until now the payoff of these reforms has not been seen. 直到現在改革的成果還未顯現。
Where are we going to make the payoff? 我們去哪兒了結此事?
He got a payoff before the retirement. 他在退休之前領到了一筆補償金.
The problem, they say, is that some viewers don't like to be left at the close of a season by cliffhanger shows that lack an emotional payoff. 他們說,問題在於一些觀眾不希望在一個播出季節結束的時候,被這些缺乏情緒高潮的懸疑節目給撂那兒了。