The strikers paraded through the city center. 罷工隊伍遊行穿過市中心。
Paris workers will parade on May Day. 巴黎工人將在五一勞動節舉行遊行。
A band preceded the soldiers in the parade. 在閱兵行列中一支樂隊走在士兵的前面。
Chinese American soldiers of the U.S. Army Signal Corps are photographed on parade before being deployed to the CBI Theater of Operations. 美國陸軍通訊兵連的中美士兵在部署中緬印軍事行動戰場之前在閱兵場的閱兵。
She paraded up and down in her new hat. 她戴著新帽子在人前走來走去。
There was nothing to parade over in those days. 在那些歲月里,我們沒有什麼東西值得向人誇耀。