"Ancient Gallic dialects"
"Gallic migrations"
"the Gallic Wars"
of or pertaining to France or the people of France;
"French cooking"
"a Gallic shrug"
用作形容詞 (adj.)
In a battle in Cisalpine Gaul he killed a Gallic King by his own hand and dedicated the spoils to Jupiter in the Capitol. 在山南高盧的一次戰鬥中,他親手殺死了一位高盧酋長,並在朱彼特神廟把他的戰利品獻祭給朱彼特。
That is what an irate Euro-establishment in Brussels is asking as it watches the Gallic debate. 這就是被激怒了的歐盟布魯塞爾總部看到法國人的爭論時所發出的疑問。
However, Gallic honor was saved by Jacques Waynberg, director of the French Institute of sexology, who said the expectations in France were simply higher than elsewhere. 但是法國性學研究所所長魏恩伯保住了法國人的尊嚴,表示法國人只是期望比其他地方高。