Such trends do not enthrall neutrals, many of whom would prefer to see free-scoring Barcelona win tomorrow. 這些趨勢並沒有迷惑住中立者,他們中的很多人更願意火力十足的巴薩明天贏球。
They should have been noticed, but a wizard who could enthrall an army of abyssal beasts could delude a few pilots and guards, especially the night after Fleetswake. 他們應該已經被注意到,但一個能奴役深淵野獸大軍的法師,自然也能迷惑幾個領航員和守衛了,特別是在艦隊尾波節的夜裡。
They should have been noticed, but a wizard who could enthrall an army of abyssal beasts could delude a few pilots and guards, especially the night after Fleetswake. 他們應該已經被注意到,但一個能奴役深淵野獸大軍的法師,自然也能迷惑幾個領航員和守衛了,特別是在艦隊尾波節的夜裡。