- n. 懷疑;疑惑;懸而未定
- vt. 懷疑;不信任
- vi. 不確定
n. (名詞)
- 懷疑,疑慮,疑惑,不相信,可疑,疑點,疑團,疑雲
- 疑問
- 不確實,不確定,不肯定, 拿不準
- 疑懼
- 猶豫
- 迷惘
- 無疑,確實
- 拿不準,吃不準,不能肯定,無把握,不確定
- 懷疑,疑,不信,滿腹狐疑, 將信將疑地說,疑惑,疑心
- <古>恐怕,怕,擔心,顧慮
- 不知
- 認為…未必可能
- 猶豫不決,躊躇
- 不信任
v. (動詞)
- vt. & vi. 懷疑,疑惑 be uncertain about; hesitate to believe; question the truth of
- [U][C]懷疑,疑慮 uncertainty of mind
- [U][C]未確定 uncertain state of things
the state of being unsure of something
uncertainty about the truth or factuality or existence of something;
"the dubiousness of his claim"
"there is no question about the validity of the enterprise"
consider unlikely or have doubts about;
"I doubt that she will accept his proposal of marriage"
lack confidence in or have doubts about;
"I doubt these reports"
"I suspect her true motives"
"she distrusts her stepmother"
用作名詞 (n.)
- There is no doubt that we will be successful.
毫無疑問我們會成功的。 - Although a very religious man, he is still troubled by occasional doubts.
他雖然篤信宗教,但有時仍感到迷惘。 - The outcome of this discussion is still in doubt.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
- She's been feeling ill these days, so I doubt that she'll feel up to going to the country this weekend.
她最近一直都不舒服,所以我懷疑周末她是否能到鄉下去。 - She was very angry with you, because you seemed to doubt what she had said.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
- She said that I was getting into the habit of doubting.
用作動詞 (v.)
- doubt of (v.+prep.)
〈正〉懷疑(某事) be uncertain of (sth)
doubt of sthI doubt of her ability.
Such actions make me doubt of his sanity.
How do you doubt of the firm's future?
用作名詞 (n.)
- cast〔throw〕 doubt(s) on
使人對…產生懷疑 make people wonder about the truth of sth
- in doubt
存在疑問 having doubt
- no doubt
很可能,我想 very probably
- without (a) doubt
毫無疑問 having no doubt
用作動詞 (v.)
- doubt one's own existence 懷疑自己的存在
- doubt sb's ability 懷疑某人的能力
- doubt sb's character 懷疑某人的人格
- doubt sb's consciousness 懷疑某人的覺悟
- doubt sb's death 懷疑某人的死亡
- doubt sb's decision 懷疑某人的決定
- doubt sb's efficiency 懷疑某人的效率
- doubt sb's evidence 懷疑某人的證據
- doubt sb's existence 懷疑某人的存在
- doubt sb's faith 懷疑某人的信仰
- doubt sb's feeling 懷疑某人的感情
- doubt sb's honesty 懷疑某人的誠實
- doubt sb's intentions 懷疑某人的動機
- doubt sb's judgment 懷疑某人的判斷
- doubt sb's nature 懷疑某人的本性
- doubt sb's personality 懷疑某人的人格
- doubt sb's prestige 懷疑某人的威望
- doubt sb's proof 懷疑某人的證明
- doubt sb's sanity 懷疑某人的清醒
- doubt sb's sincerity 懷疑某人的誠意
- doubt sb's stand 懷疑某人的立場
- doubt sb's success 懷疑某人的成功
- doubt sb's support 懷疑某人的支持
- doubt sb's understanding 懷疑某人的理解力
- doubt sb's view 懷疑某人的看法
- doubt sb's wisdom 懷疑某人的才智
- doubt sb's words 懷疑某人說的話
- doubt the cause of 懷疑…的起因
- doubt the certificates of 懷疑…的證件
- doubt the correctness of 懷疑…的正確性
- doubt the method of 懷疑…的方法
- doubt the precision of 懷疑…的精密度
- doubt the progress of 懷疑…的進展
- doubt the quality of 懷疑…的質量
- doubt the reason of 懷疑…的原因
- doubt the result of 懷疑…的結果
- doubt the sources of 懷疑…的來源
- doubt the system of 懷疑…的體系
- doubt the theory of 懷疑…的理論
- doubt the truth of 懷疑…的真實性
- doubt the value of 懷疑…的價值
- doubt the way of 懷疑…的做法
- doubt the witness 懷疑證人
- doubt hardly 不容置疑
- doubt very much 非常懷疑
- doubt casually 偶爾懷疑
- doubt childishly 幼稚地懷疑
- doubt gravely 非常懷疑
- doubt greatly 非常懷疑
- doubt growingly 漸漸懷疑
- doubt painfully 痛苦地懷疑
- doubt reasonably 有理地懷疑
- doubt seriously 非常懷疑
- doubt strongly 非常懷疑
- doubt unjustly 不公正地懷疑
- doubt about 懷疑
- doubt of 懷疑
- doubt of its further progress 懷疑其進一步拓展
- doubt of sb's ability 懷疑某人的能力
- doubt of success 懷疑成功性
用作名詞 (n.)
- arouse doubt 引起懷疑
- cast doubt 引起懷疑
- cause doubt 引起懷疑
- clear doubts 消除疑慮
- decide doubt 解決疑問
- destroy doubt 消除疑慮
- dismiss doubts 消除疑慮
- have doubt 存在疑問
- remove doubts 消除疑慮
- resolve all doubts 消除所有的疑慮
- satisfy doubts 消除疑慮
- settle a doubt 消除疑慮
- all doubt 一切懷疑
- any doubt 任何懷疑
- disagreeable doubt 令人不快的懷疑
- grave doubt 嚴重的懷疑
- great doubt 嚴重的懷疑
- historic doubt 歷史的懷疑
- little doubt 幾乎不懷疑
- much doubt 很懷疑
- serious doubt 嚴重的懷疑
- slight doubt 一絲懷疑
- strong doubt 強烈的懷疑
- sudden doubt 突然的懷疑
- beyond all doubt 不容置疑
- in doubt 存在疑問
- with doubt 存在疑問
- without a doubt 無疑地
- doubt about 對…的疑問
- doubt as to 對…的疑問
- doubt in regard to 對…的懷疑
- doubt of 對…的懷疑
- doubt on〔upon〕 對…的懷疑
There can be no doubt of that: everybody knows it.
出自: G. B. Shaw -
He had little doubt..of his power to get hold of the girl.
出自: J. Conrad -
The Committee..casts doubt on the value of the Ryder report.
出自: M. Edwardes -
O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
出自:Bible (AV): Matthew