"a blue day"
"the dark days of the war"
"a week of rainy depressing weather"
"a disconsolate winter landscape"
"the first dismal dispiriting days of November"
"a dark gloomy day"
"grim rainy weather"
用作形容詞 (adj.)
We were all depressed by the dismal weather. 陰沉的天氣讓我們都感到壓抑。
He tossed about until the appearance of the dismal London daylight, when he sprang up desperately, and walked off to his uncle's lodgings in Bury Street. 他翻來複去,等到倫敦那陰沉的白天開始上曙光,便一骨碌爬了起來,前往柏利街他叔父的寓所。
Africa will be the highlight of an otherwise dismal year. 非洲將是這異常凄涼的一年裡的亮點。
There was something to celebrate about amid the dismal environment on rocky Patmos. 在多岩的拔摩島凄涼的環境中,原來也有值得慶祝的事。