He chuckled, said, "Very convincing," and then suddenly sank into a crouch, his muscles coiled like a spring. 他咯咯地笑著說,「很有說服力,」然後突然蹲伏下來,他的肌肉就像個收緊的彈簧。
They crouch in their corner and weave their web of pale hours, they count their coins sitting in the dust and call me back. 他們蜷縮在角落裡,編織著他們蒼白的時間之網,他們坐在塵土中,數著他們的硬幣,召喚我回去。
As he mounted higher, sometimes standing, sometimes clawing his way up in a scrabbling crouch, he peered out from the stairs. 他一直向上爬著,有時直著身子,有時蜷縮著身子,掙扎著向上爬著,他從樓梯向四處張望。