offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power;
"an autocratic person"
"autocratic behavior"
"a bossy way of ordering others around"
"a rather aggressive and dominating character"
"managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way"
"a swaggering peremptory manner"
用作形容詞 (adj.)
His bossy attitude aggravates me. 他專橫的態度使我惱火。
She's terribly bossy and nobody likes her much. 她專橫得要命,誰也不喜歡她。
He's our manager, that's why he's so bossy. 他是我們的經理,所以這麼跋扈。
Tommy is very bossy; he always wants to rule the roost. 湯米很專橫,他總是想一切由他支配。
she also agrees she is bossy, over-controlling and always right. 她還承認自己專橫、控制欲過強以及不喜歡認錯。
She moved out because her mother-in-law is too bossy. 她的婆婆愛指使人,所以她搬出去住了。