Variable back pressure is the superimposed back pressure that will vary with time. 可變背壓是隨時間變化的附加背壓。
Diplegs play an important role as pressure seals against the considerable back pressure generated. 料腿則起著對產生的相當大的背壓加壓密封作用。
In the event of negative supply pressure such contaminated fluids will not backflow to the supply source by backsiphonage. 萬一存在這種污染流體的反壓力,則要避免由於反虹吸而迴流到供應水源中。
Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly shall be installed at each cross-connection to prevent backsiphonage and backpressure of hazardous materials into the potable water supply. 為了防止危險物質通過反虹吸和反壓力進入飲用水供應系統,在每個交叉連接地方都應該安裝一個減壓檢測閥總成。
The most important complication of urinary tract obstruction is renal parenchymal atrophy as a result of back pressure. 尿路梗阻最重要的併發症為反壓所致的腎實質萎縮。
Soon Allen began to cater the paces and pushed him back on Kanda's thrust to experience more of those sensations. 很快,亞連開始迎合他的步調,甚至在神田撞擊時將身體反壓回去,以體驗更多的快感。
Die inserts, together with the cores which form recesses, must endure the effects of temperature and injection pressure of the molten metal. 與形式隱藏,必須忍受溫度和熔融金屬的射入壓力的作用的核心一起死插入物。