- Language teaching is both a science and art. 語文教學既是一門科學又是一種藝術。
- He is a science student. So am I. 他是理科學生。我也是。
- Getting these children to do what you want is a science, I can tell you! 我敢說,要做到讓這些孩子百依百順那可是一門藝術!
- It is a science for adventurous minds. 這是一門需要探險精神的科學。
- The management is both an art and a science. 管理既是一門藝術也是一門科學。
- Translation an Art?Or a Science? 「翻譯活動是藝術還是科學?」
- Some people think that chess is a science. 一些人認為國際象棋是一門科學。
- My son is working as a science teacher. 我兒子是個理科教師。
- I've got packing a suitcase down to a science. 我對整理衣箱十分在行
- I want to be a science teacher one day. 我將來要成為一個科學老師。
- So you want to be a science writer? 那麼您想成為一個科學寫作者嗎?
- Book Review: Toward a Science of Ethnic Conflict? 種族衝突趨向科學?
- This is the teacher who took us for a Science trip. 就是這位老師,帶我們在自然科學課上參觀了各個地方。
- His srory sounds like a science faction. 他的故事聽起來像科幻小說.
- What do you want a science Lab for? 你為什麼想要科學實驗室?
- Which of you is a science student ? 你們當中誰是理科學生?
- Which of you is a science student? 你們當中誰是理科學生?
- He seems to have writing popular books down to a science. 他似乎很會寫暢銷書。
- Some people think that chess is a science, not just a game. 一些人認為西洋棋不僅是一種遊戲而是一門科學。
- So he built a science lab himself. 因此他便自己建造了一個實驗室.