(Greek mythology) god of love; son of Aphrodite; identified with Roman Cupid
a desire for sexual intimacy
用作名詞 (n.)
It was found, in one livestock elite station of Xuzhou, the ejaculum quality,eros and performance of some adult bulls were poor in recent years. 近幾年來,徐州市某家畜良種站飼養的部分成年公牛表現常年精液品質不良,性慾差,生產能力低下。
The Greeks called it Eros and Thanatos-- love and death. 意味性愛伴隨著死神。
The ubiquity of sexual images does not free the power of Eros but dilutes it. 性愛影像的無處不在並沒有釋放性愛的能量,卻沖淡了它。
The paired relationship of Eros and Thanatos is an expression of this holding. 生的本能和死的本能是一對雙生子,它們都是這一延續的表現。