- 細菌總DNAtotal DNA extraction
- 總overall
- 治療組與對照組的細菌總清除率分別為80.0%和78.9%,差異無顯著性(P>0.05)。The bacterial clearance rates of azithromycin with cefotaxime and cefotaxime sodium were 80.0%25 amd 78.9%25,respectively,there was no a significant difference between the two groups(P>0.05).
- 總的total
- 總DNATotal DNA
- 總表general schedule (GS)
- 總覽pandect
- 總有一天one of these fine days
- 細菌DNAbacteria DNA
- 總金額aggregate amount
- 總資產total assets
- 細菌DNA複製bacterium DNA replication
- 總圖general chart
- 總帳Ledger (L)
- 總重gross weight
- 總承包turnkey
- 總台window ledge
- 總人數headcount
- 總投資grossinvestment