- 株守hold on stubbornly to
- 門door
- 株守一隅The trunk stands in a corner
- 切莫株守機會。Don't wait for your opportunity.
- 出門be away from home
- 做事情一定要主動,千萬不可株守。One should take the initiative when doing things and never stubbornly hold on.
- 門的portal
- 守to guard
- 開門open (the) door
- 株(a measure word, use with plants)
- 杜比dolby
- 門禁entrance guard
- 杜松子酒gin
- 門派school
- 守時punctual
- 菌株bacterial strain
- 江門Jiangmen
- 照門aperture
- 城守castellan
- 安全門exit