



  • - (代替) take the place of; be in place of:

    suffer for the faults of another; bear the blame for sb. else; 代人受過

    the new taking the place of the old; 新陳代謝

    - (代理) act on behalf of; acting:

    acting minister 代部長

  • - (歷史上的分期) historical period:

    ancient times; 古代

    modern times 近代

    - (朝代) dynasty:

    the Han Dynasty; 漢代

    the Tang Dynasty 唐代

    - (世系的輩分) generation:

    the growing generation; 成長中的一代

    the first generation; 第一代人

    - {地} (地質年代分期的第一級) era:

    the Palaeozoic Era; 古生代

    the Cenozoic Era 新生代

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Dai Hui 代輝



  1. 世代居住在城市裡使他們磨練了才智。
    Generations of urban living sharpened their wits.
  2. 他被公認為現代最傑出的作家之一。
    He is generally rated as one of the best modern writers.
  3. 我們應該對下一代負責。
    We should be responsible for the generation as yet unborn.
  4. 我們必須為子孫後代保護森林資源。
    We must conserve our forests and woodlands for future generations.
  5. 我們這一代人的所作所為和我父親的那一代人不同。
    My generation behaves differently from my father's.
  6. 他們的理想往往招致同時代人的誤解。
    Their visionary ideas are often misunderstood by their own generation.
  7. 我們用電腦取代了老式的加法計算器。
    We've replaced the old adding machine with a computer.
  8. 水不是酒的適當代用品。
    Water is not a proper substitute for wine.


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