- 救世salvation
- 浮世繪Yamato-e
- 俗世earthliness
- 年老的一輩尊重傳統。The older generation are respectful of tradition.
- 上世previous generation
- 他們是搖旗吶喊之輩。They are wavers of flags and shouters of slogans.
- 三世sansei
- 此人乃碌碌無能之輩。He is a mediocre and incompetent person.
- 萬世all ages; generation after generation
- 他已從默默無聞之輩而成為國際上的名人。He has risen from obscurity to international fame.
- 遁世retiracy
- 降世come to earth
- 它們常常使一個平凡之輩邁向成功。They have often raised a man from mediocrity to success.
- 他是個無能之輩。He is an incapable person.
- 離世pass away
- 他溺愛自己的孫輩,並且滿足他們的任何想法」He dotes on his grandchildren and indulges their every whim.
- 避世retire from the world; withdraw from society
- 後半輩兒the latter part of one's life
- 更新世Pleistocene
- 勿與此輩來往。Don't associate with such people.