- Strangeness is the specialty of artistic language. “陌生化”是艺术语言的特质。
- The glass creates a new artistic language. 玻璃创造了崭新的艺术语言。
- Metaphor is a way of thinking which produces artistic language. 隐喻是这种艺术语言得以产生的思维方式。
- This paper points out that the modes of thinking in artistic language are images, metaphor and metonymy. 本文指出艺术语言通过意象、隐喻、转喻三种思维形式完成对它自身的创造。
- In the correspondence of the soul and painting, she has created artistic language with delicate fluctuation and farsighted artistic conception. 在心灵与笔墨的对应中,创造出了变幻有致、意境高远的艺术语言。
- The variations are an expression of postmodernist time concept, and are an artistic language for destructing time. 它们体现了后现代主义的时间观念,是一种解构时间艺术语言。
- The thinking process of artistic language embodies the aesthetic differences of the utterance subject. 在艺术语言的运思过程中,体现了发话主体审美的差异性。
- Color is an important and charming artistic language in painting, by which a colorful and unique tableau effect can be created in two dimension. 色彩在绘画中是十分重要而富有魅力的艺术语言,借助它可以在一个二度空间创造出丰富而独特的画面效果。
- It also produces between signifier and signified. The signifier of artistic language is different from that of general language. 不过艺术语言的能指不再是科学语言的能指了,它的构建除了沿用科学语言的声音能指而外,还增加了语义能指。
- The fixed methods of language are static and abstract, while the flexible methods of artistic language are dynamic and concrete. 语言的定法是一个静止的、抽象的状态,语言的“活法”是一个动态的、具体的表现。
- The fact that artistic language predominates over scientific language means humanity features the Chinese language course in middle schools. 由于艺术语言的大量存在,使语文学科具有了人文性的特点,也有了不同于其他学科的独特的美。
- Owing to the differences in their expressional forms, painting materials and skills, their artistic language appears different. 譬如艺术家本身,由于思想上和情感上的差异,所形成的艺术风格自然不同。
- The speakers often blend their aesthetic experience about the world into their artistic language when they indite artistic language. 发话主体在艺术语言的创作过程中,常常将自己对世界的审美体验融进了艺术语言。
- He has been probing into his unique artistic language for more than twenty years.His painting is magnificently conceived with clear, bright, and profound. 在三十余年艺术生涯中,努力探索属于自己的艺术语言,追求清雅明快的风格与建立深远的意境。
- The artistic language does not only express his aesthetic experience of one concrete thing, but also reflects his aesthetic experience of the whole world. 发话主体的艺术语言不仅反映了他对某一具体的事物的审美体验,还反映了他对世界的整体的审美体验。
- Penman choose three essentials: composition , artistic language form and artistic conception through three picture of NSA's delegates to elaborate attempt it's artistic language form . 文章选取构图、艺术语言构成形式和意境这三个要点,通过三块具有代表性的画像石,对其艺术语言进行尝试性阐释;
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- In the perspective of the history of watercolour painting and the development of its artistic language, we can conclude that overemphasis on the artistic language will be an obstacle to the development of watercolour painting. 摘要从水彩画的本体语言以及水彩画发展的历史来看,过多地强调本体语言将成为水彩画发展的桎梏。
- Artistic people are in a tiny minority in this country. 爱好艺术的人在这个国家只占少数。
- Tong, about the contents and forms relations, the artistic language and artistic ideality in literature work, about esthetical consciousness and esthetical function in literature acceptance. 文学作品中的内容和形式的关系及艺术语言、艺术理想;